Implementation improvements
We absolutely LOVE your services! Weave has made communication with our patients so efficient. I would like to give some constructive feedback however. We have two locations and during implementation of the second location, we have had multiple issues with the text messaging. Patients at location 1 get messages involving location 2, causing a lot of confusion and frustration among our patients. This also happened with a previous satellite location that we had. It would seem helpful to have a checks and balances system in place to verify the location IDs are correctly integrated before going live. Secondly, my personal cell phone number was loaded into your system and went out to patients as the text back phone number. I do understand there will be glitches when implementing new technology, but I think quality control could be improved by putting something in place to help ensure that these errors are not the norm (as has been my experience every time we add a new office). I hope we can continue our relationship with Weave and improve on these issues should we add another office to our company profile. Thank you!