Questions about WEAVE
Hi, I have a few questions: Q.#1 Is it possible for WEAVE, "NOT" to send emails to patient under 18 years of age?? Q.#2 If the patient lists "None" in the field for email address, is it possible to then not send that information on the summary each day. (When we type "None" into their patient information page in the space for email, it means we have talked to them and either they choose not to receive emails or they do not have computer access). Q.#3 Are there cookies/"pop-ups" loading when I open the WEAVE box in the AM? I am seeing ads in the morning when I open the app. Please remove this from the app. Q.#4 Why would WEAVE be listing "failed" on the daily summary sheet? We are asking all patients to confirm email address when listed as failed. More times than not the patients are confirming the address we have is correct......why would this be happening?? Q.#5 Is it possible to include middle initial ? we have patients with the same first and last names in the system. Q. #6 When I am typing a TXT message to a patient...if the phone rings I LOSE ALL TXT....How do I save the TEXT and then answer the phone and go back to the TXT I was writing?? Q.#7 The time stamp is incorrect under the "Scheduled Alerts" how to I correct this? Q.#8 Would it be possible to have the TXT listed in the patient chart notes? Please give me a call @ 952.884.5361 Diane and let me know how to resolve these issues...Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to these questions....We appreciate all you do to help make this a smooth transition for our patients when updating their charts. Have a sunny day!!