Export Text Conversations
A way to export a whole text conversation would be great! For our business, sometimes we need to provide these to the court, and having a simple way to compile and save a conversation would save SO much time and energy.
This is now available on the Weave desktop app > Messages > select a thread > three dots menu. Enjoy!
Please reach out with any additional feedback on this topic.
Matt Schultz
Weave Product Management
Karry Urbalego commented
I would like to be able to download/print a patient's text thread. Maybe with a filter of dates and users. The reason this would be helpful is we are having to send all copies of text messages sent and received from one particular patient to our attorney. Thank you.
Grace Ventura commented
I would love to be able to download a pdf file of the transcript of all text messages sent to a certain patient
Juliann Wankier commented
Our financial department has to record text message conversations with patients for protocol with any 3rd party collection laws. Right now, the text message only shows a short part of a conversation sometimes so they are having to take multiple screen shots of the conversation, save the image, add it to a word document to then export into a patient's smart doc. Could there be a feature where you can select the specific parts of the conversation that are needed, export just the data so it could be added to a word document?
Kim commented
It would be nice to be able to print out text feeds for patients to be able to attach to patients chart documents.
Amanda commented
Make weave messages printable please! we are currently copy and pasting into a word document with date and time stamps. please please do an update to make messages printable.
Janet Lindley commented
I would like our office to be able to print out a copy of the entire text message log
Sam IT commented
Make text messages printable
Danielle Rastetter commented
1. Ability to print/export text messages to save on a more permanent platform. Important for legal/liability reasons.
2. Be able to change the text template name/heading.
Anonymous commented
Copying messaging threads from clients to attach to medical records.
Scott Matheson commented
(1) Should be able to paste IMAGES from clipboard to Weave texting.
(2) Would be nice to have browser app with larger display and more options...
(3) Need to be able to copy / print / save to pdf conversations -
Piro commented
Create a path for printing or storing patient communications from weave to the PMS or printer
Cherie Brown commented
There needs to be a way to pull the entire text dialog from a specific patient for legal purposes. Doing screenshots is not a great legal way to document patient communication. This is a lawsuit situation that we are dealing with and need the entire correspondence history available in a clean format for the attorneys and board.
Maria Henderson commented
i would like to be able to print text message conversation incase they are needed in legal proceedings
frontdesk commented
>When we are texting to a patient, the option to print the conversation
>Spell check by using the right click -
Anonymous commented
We would like to have the option of printing text conversations from Weave.