Want Old Text Actionable Format
Why did you change the text format??!!!!!! This is terrible. Every single text is marked actionable. They do not all require action, some of them WE (or the automated system) sent! Plus, now I cannot search only for the ones that are unread.
We have a small office and have no need to "assign" staff members to deal with certain messages. Please make this new format optional. I much prefer the old format.
After incorporating much useful user input, we've tweaked the Actionable tab to be much more in line with how people in general want it to behave. These updates are already in the live product. There will always be differences of opinion and preference on any given feature, but we still would like to hear from you! I just joined Weave in November, so I came on board after the major changes to Messages last year. If you have further input on the inbox experience or any other item related to Messages, please reach out to me.
Matt Schultz
Product Management, Messages
Susan commented
I'm writing, to give feedback on the new update to Weave. We recommend making 3 tabs in the text messaging (instead of 2):
1) unread , 2) Actionable , and 3) All. Here's why:
We believe our increased "unread messages" could potentially case us to miss actual unread messages. Today, we came into 250 in our actionable items. In putting unread and un-responded to messages together, messages could be missed by our team. I understand this change is to offer a better customer experience, but not every message needs to be responded to. Here's an example:
Us: Please confirm your appt...
Them: Yes
Us: Thanks for confirming. We'll see you soon
Them: You're welcome
*We will not need to respond anymore to that, and this situation happens often with our patients.Thanks for your time and consideration,
Carpenter Dental -
Kathy Henry commented
This Actionable is terrible, why can't you just do sent and received????
Anonymous commented
Please bring back the unread tab in messages. The Actionable tab is not helpful; it shows all kinds of messages that need no action.
We are afraid messages are going to get lost without being able to get a list of all the unread. -
Misty Dube commented
I have already complained about the new messaging software. But why don't we have an unread message tab anymore? It will show there is a message in our main home screen, but then there isn't any messages in actionable. So I have to scroll through all the messages to find the one that is showing as unread. The whole new system is a nightmare.
Kelly Ocello commented
Hate the new text message update. Why do I need to see the text reminders that we are sending to patients. Please go back to the way it was, this is not an improvement by any means.
Anonymous commented
New version is "too busy" - older versions were far more efficient. Spending a lot of time sifting through texts, can't tell what's read and unread. Having an "unread" tab was predictable.
Emily commented
After this most recent update with the actionable messages we do prefer the way things were displayed before. Even if we read a message it still shows we have hundreds of messages because of having to go through the actions. This actually creates more work for us to keep up with the messages since we use them so frequently. It would be nice if that was an optional setting for each office and how they like to filter their messages.
Sara commented
Hello, I am reaching out because the new update to weave is terrible and we are wondering how to make it back the way it was
The way the messages are being displayed now is awful. We are missing actual important messages because things are getting pushed down -
Carol - commented
Hi there,
I am a Weave customer and have been for a few years now. I am really unsatisfied with the new messaging feature. It is ten times more more complicated and time consuming going through all the messages. We have to go through at least 150-300 messages when we come in the next morning. I feel like we are going to miss allot of important messages from our patients. The texting feature worked just fine the other way and if we can go back to the other way it would be great. If you would like to discuss this matter further please contact me at 561-662-6909. -
Misty Dube commented
Hi! My system just updated to the new messaging. It is twice the work as the old system. Usually once I open a message and respond, the message is taken care of. But now on top of responding I have to go into the actionable section and check it off. Can we get the other system back please? I just don't want to have to take care of each message twice, seems like a big waste of time.
Elika commented
Hi there. I would like the text messages to go back to the older version. This new updated version is very sloppy. No separate sections for read/unread messages. You have to uncheck messages so it doesn't show 200 messages have been unread because they're all grouped together. I need to be able to go to sent/unread/all
David Howington commented
Absolutely DO NOT LIKE this new update & version with actionable tabs. The previous way was much better.
Sue Bay Area Dental commented
Hate it!
Sue Bay Area Dental commented
Barbara Schreiner commented
I absolutely hate the newest version of Weave after the last update!! Can we go back to the previous version?
Jodi Yenny commented
Our office as a whole do not care for the new text system. It is way to confusing and causes much more work and bogged down screens. It now is much easier for text to go unnoticed. Please give the option to go back to the original set up. Please!!
Ashlee commented
Our office is very displeased with the new update, We are showing 200+ unread message because all messages are generated in our inbox. Before, if they opt'd out it didn't show up in our inbox as undelivered. We only need to see new, unopened messages in our inbox in order to run our office efficiently. it is very frustrating to come in and have to uncheck all messages individually and new messages get lost in the mess. We liked the old software. Thank you
Christina Vann commented
Really do not like the most recent update. It is not user friendly, the red dots make no sense. why do we need to see if they were undeliverable. We call the patients that have home phones and not cell phones. those pts usually get an email. the yellow dot is not necessary. Go back to the old version.
Beth Jones commented
Absolutely DO NOT LIKE this new msg system...having all the msgs under actionable is not efficient at all. Being able to see the unread msgs with the button before was much more efficient. NOT A FAN OF THIS AT ALL.
Melissa commented
I do not like the new update, it creates more work instead of saving time. You can open and read the text messages from patients, but they all still show up as 'unread' on the other list, where you have to individually click the check mark next to each one to make it go away. In a busy medical office, this is counterproductive.