Want Old Text Actionable Format
Why did you change the text format??!!!!!! This is terrible. Every single text is marked actionable. They do not all require action, some of them WE (or the automated system) sent! Plus, now I cannot search only for the ones that are unread.
We have a small office and have no need to "assign" staff members to deal with certain messages. Please make this new format optional. I much prefer the old format.
After incorporating much useful user input, we've tweaked the Actionable tab to be much more in line with how people in general want it to behave. These updates are already in the live product. There will always be differences of opinion and preference on any given feature, but we still would like to hear from you! I just joined Weave in November, so I came on board after the major changes to Messages last year. If you have further input on the inbox experience or any other item related to Messages, please reach out to me.
Matt Schultz
Product Management, Messages
Jess commented
Our office liked it better when the messages notification only showed up for actual messages that we are sent. It used to be like this, but now it is listed under "actionable" or "all" and we are having to decipher through a bunch of messages that are just messages that have automatically been generated to the patient. It would be nice if the "actionable" was ONLY for text messages we were actually receiving, not messages that our system has sent out.
Bobbie commented
The newest update, 7.15.5, is actually awful for our office. Actionable messages are now mixed in with unactionable messages and it has increased our message notifications from under 20 to over 100. We are a very busy office so keeping the finished messages separate from the new incoming messages is a very big deal. The newest update has made it incredibly difficult to manage the incoming texts. Terrible update, wish I could revert to the previous update.
Anonymous commented
Can you get rid of "actionable"? We do not like that feature at all. Just keep it simple, read and unread. Now today we had 93 texts that are "actionable" that we can not get rid of. Spent Hour and 20 min on hold to get someone on the phone, have tried closing in and out of app. Some of the "actionable" texts are outgoing auto reminders to patients and even when we click into them and get out, it's still marked like it's unread. So we have no idea what new texts are coming through today from patients that truly need our attention.
Angie commented
We would love to utilize the "tags" more but having to turn on the filter and then turn it off to see all texts is time consuming. We would love to have a third column of texts that were by "tag filter". So Actionable, All, and Filtered. This way we can toggle to texts that were tagged for us easily, but also get back to responding to "all" texts quickly. Thank you.
Kathy Henry commented
Text Messages need to be sorted by sent and received!!!!!! That would make things so much easier. Actionable was not good! Simply do sent and received. Thanks
Kathy Henry commented
We would like to see Sent and Received texts separated.
Kathy Henry commented
Text Messages need to be sorted by sent and received. That is so simple, why is it so hard to get done. Actionable was trying to decide for us what needed to be taken care of. If we can just see what was sent and received it would solve a lot of problems
Anonymous commented
Please change the actionable messages so they can be cleared if they don't actually need a reply. We are not burdening our patients with extra texts and the messages take 24 hours to go away.
Marcia commented
It is great to have an actionable marking on text messages! It would also be great to be able to remove the tag once the action is completed - or better yet be able to leave it in place until the needed action was completed. We are in M-Th so our weekend actions will never be caught if automatically deleted after 24hrs. TY!!!
Jane . commented
Our office is struggling with the new configuration of text messages received. The "actionable" tab is cumbersome and non-sensicle. There are texts that don't require any action or response, mixed in with the ones that need to be addressed. We can't remove the individual texts from that tab once we have "taken action". In the ticker tape or quick text window, the replies we send through there take FOREVER to get to the receiving party. Since we are relying heavily on text communication for mobile check-in of patients per COVID protocol, the delay in sending/receipt of text is unacceptable and messes with our schedule. Also, if we are in the middle of responding via the QUICK TEXT window and a phone call or another text comes in, it kicks us off and deletes the text we were working on. This happens multiple times a day and is extremely frustrating and a time waster. Finally, we are wondering why things that aren't broken are getting "fixed". So far for us, there is no upside or improvement in the texting system and we are quite frustrated by the changes to something that was working great the way it was. Is there a way to offer clients the option to upgrade into your "new and better" system or be able to stay with the tried and true that is working just fine?
Anonymous commented
The new update with "Actionable" and "All" is absolutely horrible. No one in our office finds it helpful. Please go back to where you could see "unread" messages. And when a text thread is over you have it still under actionable and no action has to be taken. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever!!!!! Usually your updates are for the better but this one is not!!
Yuri commented
Ability to remove messages off the Actionable tab would be great!
Leanne commented
not loving the actionable tab, i hate notifications that stay in the que if there is nothing to do with them. I dont want to archive the convo either. it just makes me anxious that there is outstanding messages when there is not. please go back to unread!!!!!!!!
Beverly commented
We are one of offices that have been selected for the test run of the new version of the Weave. The two columns actionable/ all on the message icon. We really like having just one column or if we have two columns, it should be an icon on the orange dot that we can select saying "completed or no action needed." Please take this in consideration before making it a permanent upgrade in your system.
Jill (POC) commented
When in messages we now have actionable and all. We would like the message that have been opened/read to not show in the actionable. We may not reply to all message but they have been opened/read and no longer need to be replied to. Is this something that can be done?
Herb Postle commented
We need a way to mark the "actionable" texts as completed. Sometimes a text doesn't need responded to or we call the patient or the patient calls and the text still shows that action needs taken.
Anonymous commented
Why is "actionable" the default and not "all" for messages. We have no way of marking "actionable" as read. We don't need to respond to someone who is simply confirming their appointment!
Anonymous commented
We are not a fan of the "actionable" text messages. We preferred when you could sort by "unread" instead. Actionable is adding way too many texts that we don't actually need to respond to (such as confirmations etc) and it is cluttering up the IMPORTANT texts.
Rena Lawson commented
I don't like the new "Actionable" button on the text. I liked the Not read and read so much better. Now I have to scroll and scroll all the time to make sure I have not missed reading an email. I don't even understand "actionable" every confirmation email we send is in actionable mixed in with new emails from pts. Also, it used to show the time that the pt sent the text which was very helpful before but now with the actionable it is very needed because of what we are having to do for Covid. Thanks for listening (or reading)
Anonymous commented
The new text msg system is great! However, I wish there were a way to mark the actionable items "complete"- that way they don't have the yellow dot nor sit in the actionable items tab.