Give the option to mark read and unread at the same time.
Currently when you click a fax the only option is to "Mark Read". So to mark it unread you have to click out of the fax and then back into the same one before the option to "Mark Unread" appears. When "document options" appear, there should be options to "Mark Unread" and "Mark Read" in the same drop down.

I encourage you to try out the new Fax in the new Weave experience! Let me know if this interaction is improved in the new product. You should have an email with more details on how to check out the new version of Weave, or you can click on the link below to learn more. We're SUPER excited for this new version of Weave - we've worked on this tirelessly for a long time and will be listening to your feedback as we move forward here!
Matt Schultz
Weave Product Management