Please fix Weave Voicemail menu.
Please, PLEASE fix the menu for checking Voicemail messages. It is very frustrating and time consuming to deal with. Happens whether we have only 10 voicemails or 40. Whenever you click on a voicemail to view the transcript or see more information, the screen autoscrolls up and down on it's own, registers as if you clicked on another voicemail no where near the one you want to open. When you delete a voicemail, it will load the transcript from an unrelated message into another voicemail that has nothing to do with it. It's just very time-consuming to check Voicemails this way. The menu scrolls out of control just clicking to view details on a voicemails. Opens unrelated Voicemails you are not clicking. Deleting doesn't work at times or it deletes the wrong Voicemail. Please fix this, it was fine the first we used the app but it seems the Voicemail menu is suffering after each update. Thank you very much, we appreciate this wonderful app otherwise!