Bulk messaging
Send mass text messages to more than 1 patient.

This is now live for all customers!! Learn more here: https://www.weavehelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/13900266969627
Matt Schultz
Weave Product Management
Dr Deines commented
is it really limited to `133 characters? receptionist Nancy
Hamid mashayekh commented
I don't think Weave should charge an additional amount for this functionality. This is a common core feature for 2 other competing products I have used. Obviously it is Weave's business and can do as you choose but competing platforms include this as a basic feature. Go ahead and charge more for insurance verification, payments, tx plan presentation, etc. but a mass text seems to fit into the listing of patient interaction, which would seem to be the core of what Weave is used for.
Courtney commented
Mass texting for events would be very nice.
Office Manager commented
This is critical to our office and we have to supplement with another program that does this and it a large expense to have both Weave and then the text program. But we need both. We are so excited to have ONE program!
Rebekah Pollock commented
To help patient know important updated details about the clinic.
Mackenzie Wing commented
The text program called Solution Reach was able to do this, but Solution Reach was insanely hard to work with when your practice is large and has many providers. So if Weave could begin creating group messages, where a number of clients receive the same text at once, but don't see each other's text responses or the fact that they are in a group, would be AMAZINGGGGGG
Bekah commented
we would like to be able to send texts to a select group of people. People who were in this last month, last 3 months, last week, patients under or over a certain age, etc
Elizabeth commented
Need the ability to send a group text to all the overdue patients at once - for example when last min cancellations occur. Weave has ability to create an overdue list and can create a "Quick List" - but those two functions need to be merged. Otherwise you have to manually text each patient individually or add them to the quick list individually. Our previous software had this ability and it was great for filling the schedule quickly.
Anonymous commented
Hi, I am a current Weave customer and I need the ability to send mass text to my clients. Currently, I am using Weave in conjunction with MindBody. I was told by someone at Weave that you have been trying to add this feature to the existing accounts, but due to SPAM issue the idea has not been pursued.
I just want you to know that I am very interested in having the ability to mass text to my clients. Perhaps to groups of 100 - 500 would be very helpful. It would be great if I can provide a spreadsheet to Weave system and send text to the clients on the spreadsheet.
Please notify me of you add any features related to mass texting or group texting by Weave.
Best Regards, Jay Rostami
Lavande Spa (760) 528-2633 -
Brandy Bopra commented
1: It would be very helpful to be able to send a text (written as I choose) to everyone within a 'List'. Currently we have to go in to each person and the message is pre-populated and not necessarily how I would want it worded.
2: Also-it would be very helpful if - after a message is sent to someone on a list - the list didn't bounce you back to the top again. Makes it very confusing as to where you left off.
Thank you!
Anonymous commented
It would be super helpful to send a bulk text to overdue patient lists like we can send bulk appt. reminders or messages on the schedule.
Ashley Barnes commented
SMS Marketing Campaign Availability and WebChat to text feature
Allie commented
With marketing you only allow us to send out mass emails not texts. Texting is the number one way to get all of our patients info in one place. Please update your services to allow us to send a massive text to all of our patients.
Kathy commented
FEATURE REQUEST! Would love to have a text feature to mass text patients that are due or overdue for cleanings when we have a schedule cancellation or open appointment. Lighthouse 360 and Revenue well have this feature and it is something we miss when we switched services to Weave.
Jody Ruona commented
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, add mass text/email with filters to your service. Customers increase revenue by filtering patients that either have unscheduled treatment plans, or unscheduled preventative appointments. Customers will FLOCK to Weave with this upgrade!!
Shelby commented
We need the ability to upload a list of clients and to message them as a group. The scheduling feature is not what we need.
Shelby commented
We need the ability to upload a list of clients and to message them as a group. The scheduling feature is not what we need.
Anonymous commented
Be able to send multiple Follow-up messages like we can in Quick fill. This would be helpful for clients unable to use the Recall feature.
Lisa Lentz commented
when I upload a .csv file I need to be able to look at only those patients and send out a bulk text message to only those patients.
Grace commented
We just set up auto recall for due in 4 weeks, due in 3 months, past due 1 month and past due 24 months. It would be nice if we could do a bulk text to all patients over due 1 year +. Or a bulk text on the over due patient list in each of the categories 0-6months, 6-12months, 12-18months, 18+mo.