Return to Previous (Scroll) Location in List
When I am working on "overdue patients" list to call/text patients to schedule an appt, would it be possible to bring me back to the current patient I was working on rather than taking me back to the top of the list. This especially happens when I make a phone call. It's time consuming to scroll back to where I left off. Thank you, Janet

When a patient or contact is selected in a List, the list will return to the selected scroll location now when navigating away from the list.
Seth Harris commented
This states that this was completed in 2019 but it doesn't return to the last pt you were working on. It's time consuming to have to scroll down each time.
Anonymous commented
When scrolling through the overdue patient lists, if you click on a patient to text them, when returning to the list, it defaults to the top of the list. If I am half way through the list I have to scroll through to find my spot. It would help when returning to the list if it defaulted to the place I left off, otherwise it takes to much time to utilize the list.
Anonymous commented
I love that there is a list feature and I can go to the "Overdue Patients" list and just automatically send them a message saying they're do for an appointment. The problem, though, is that I have to scroll from the top every single time after messaging someone rather than just going back to the place I left off. Overall this is a great feature of Weave, but would love to start where I leave off every time (scrolling through 500 names is very time consuming!!)
Anonymous commented
When working on the lists it would be nice to be able to return where you left off. The way it is now it returns to the top. This would be a big help!!!
Brittney OM commented
When calling a patient from the schedule or from one of the lists, it would be great to have a "Back" button to return to the screen from where you initiated the call. For instance, when you are looking at the schedule, and you see a patient has not confirmed yet, you call the patient by clicking on their name and then the phone icon. After the call is completed, you have to click on the home button, click on the schedule again, and click on the date for which you are making calls. It would be much more efficient if after the call, the app would return to the screen at which you initiated the call. In this case, it would return to the schedule on the date in which the patient is scheduled.
Kathy Henry commented
Hello, When I was working the recall lists section, if I clicked on a patient and then wanted to go back to the list, it always took me to the beginning of the list. Would be nice to go back to where I left off instead of having to find my place again. Thanks for your help!
Anonymous commented
The new update needs a little work. When you use the schedule feature and click on a patient and then go back to the list, it takes you to the top of the list everytime. When there are a lot of patient's on your schedule, this is a real pain.
Anonymous commented
Hi!we wondered if there was anything in the works to fix the problem on the recall list. Once a message is sent and we try to go back to where we were on the list, it takes us back to the beginning of the list and we have to scroll all the way down. Any way to fix that?
Anonymous commented
Would you please fix the lists, so that every time I go to text a patient on my overdue patient list it does not jump up to the top of the list.
Anonymous commented
While in lists of overdue patients, I think it would be beneficial to have a back button to return you to the place you were instead of the top of the list again. Also if it would return you to your place after taking a phone call.
Anonymous commented
Hello, I have noticed with the new weave upgrade when scrolling through over-due patients and then sending a message to the patient then going back to the list it brings me to the very top of the list. In the past I was able to pick up where I left off and that was very helpful and convenient. Would love to have that feature back!
Anonymous commented
Fix overdue pt list please. Unable to go back to list where I left off because the list is unable to load. Have to go back to beginning of lists and scroll through. This can be interrupted when receiving calls.
Anonymous commented
When you are in the collections or the recall section and you go to make the phone call when you go back to get into the list on the weave again it takes you back to the patient list not the same list you were previously on and it would be nice if it could go back to where you left off
AdminWeave Product Team (Admin, Weave) commented
This need to work on all list, like Collections, schedule, etc.