Font size for age 50+ eyeballs
I’m a 52-year-old doctor and like many people my age have a little bit of early presbyopia
I would think your app has a lot of people using it that are not always in their 30s and 40s
could you please find a way to increase the font size on the app. it’s a pretty serious issue for those of us who don’t have the younger eyes that we once had
thanks so much
Steven Mobley Md
Hello Dr. Mobley,
We received your email and would be happy to assist, I totally understand the font size being a problem. I tried out some tests on my end but unfortunately, I was unable to come up with a resolution. I however am submitting a request on your behalf to our development team with a recommendation on being able to adjust the font size within the app. I do recommend having you submit a feedback request as well, in your Weave Desktop software by clicking the 3 lines next to your name and then feedback. This request would go directly to our development team as a feature and ability you'd like to see in the future.
I hope this helps!