Insurance Verification for Secondary Insurance
It would be nice to be if when we are verifying insurance that Weave recognized when patients have two or more insurances & would let us verify the secondary as well as the primary.

Feedback on supporting secondary insurance verification also noted, we will add that to our backlog to support Primary and Secondary Insurance verification.
We are enhancing our insurance coverage and we will be adding support for 'Delta Dental South Dakota' and few more insurances, the changes are expected to be rolled by end of Jan-25.
Kylie Klemme commented
Please add to insurance verification -- Delta Dental South Dakota this currently is not in the list- This is one of the major insurances we use in our state so for us to have the insurance level we paid for we need access to this ASAP. Kylie Klemme Horner Barrow Orthodontics, questions please call 605-335-6680