Ability to cancel appointment reminders for patients that need to be rescheduled...
WITHOUT informing patient of communication preferences being updated. Was told by Weave representative Abigail that informing patients we turned their appt reminders off is HIPAA compliant. Appointment reminders are allowed under the HIPAA Privacy Rule without authorizations because they are considered part of treatment of an individual and, therefore, can be made without authorization. The same rule should apply if we want to cancel an appt reminder without the patient being upset that we 'changed their communication settings'. Again, all we are trying to do is stop an appt reminder for an appt that needs to be canceled/rescheduled so the patient isn't receiving conflicting information as we are trying to get in touch with them. If this cannot be rectified, then another way to individually stop appt reminders should be created. We did not have this issue when using our previous software Solution Reach.