Archive Forms
Request updates to the forms dashboard. Be able to delete sent forms not completed and archive completed forms. And hold more than 1000 forms.
Dear Customer,
We're pleased to announce the general availability of Bulk Archive -- our newest and second-most requested feature.
- Now, you will be able to archive one or more forms (upto 100 forms at a time) regardless of their status -- whether they're sent, submitted or synced.
- Once archived, you will also be able to unarchive one or more forms if needed.
We're making continuous improvements almost on a weekly basis, to bring you more such useful features to improve the efficiency of data collection and synchronization. We'll update you as soon as they are ready to go live.
Thank you so much for your patience and trust!
Group Product Manager, Weave
Alvorada Dentistry commented
Yes, Alvorada Dentistry. Lindy 7037547788
Katie Stewart commented
YES, Busby Eye Care, phone 317-896-5005, email 317-896-5335, contact-Katie Stewart
Christina commented
this is so important and I don't understand why we can't at least mark a form read or unread
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to "hide" completed and downloaded forms in the Weave Dashboard. I would also like to be able to hide all submitted forms, especially ones that were sent over a week prior. Can you add that feature so we aren't looking at hundreds upon hundreds of submissions/not submitted forms?
Tim Gardner commented
We need to be able to delete sent forms from the "forms" section that were either sent to the patient or received by us. Or archive them in some way. If we send anything as a test, or if a patient doesn't end up coming in, we don't want a record of that.
Ashley commented
To be able to check off (archive) what form were downloaded.
Amanda OM commented
Weave forms - recently submitted forms need to have an option to archive manually
Peter Longo commented
Add a way to delete or archive completed online forms once downloaded to patient chart so that the forms dashboard isn't always so full of completed forms. Even if we filter by recently submitted, there are MANY forms. Thank you for considering!
Christina commented
Has any of this been resolved? Has anyone been able to remove a form once its been seen or downloaded? Any ability to distinguish between ones we have read and ACTUAL NEW forms?
Christina commented
Please make the forms either deletable or marked as read as to easily see what forms are new and not new. Doesn't help when every single form is marked as 'Recently Submitted'
Vanessa Tester commented
1. Weave Forms - we would like to be able to delete or mark as finished the forms that have been submitted by a patient and that we have already downloaded and saved to their patient file. The list of submitted forms is long and we can't tell which ones have been downloaded and which haven't.
2. Weave Forms - it would be nice if we could resend a form from the list of unsubmitted forms. So that we could just go down the list and resend to those to still need to do their forms without getting out of forms and pulling up the patient separately.
3. MULTIPLE PHONE NUMBERS - we have several patients where parents are divorced and share custody. Both want appointment reminders texted to them. However, we can only put one number in Weave's patient information. ALSO, there are many times where mom and dad both have financial responsibility with separate accounts. We need to be able to text one of them regarding financial information that the other is not privy to. So being able to send an invoice to Dad and not Mom needs to be an option.
Amanda OM commented
Weave Forms ability to remove patients from recently submitted once we've downloaded them. We are having to scroll through and just remember if they've been done or not, spending wasted time verifying.
Irene Irene commented
Our front desk is trying to work with the online forms, but are getting frustrated with how it works.
Requests for forms/packets from new patients are not coming in at the rate we would like so to prompt them to fill out and submit them ahead of time, we wanted the wording changed on the message going out. I was told we (nor even your Tier 2 Team) cannot customize the message to fit our needs.
Also, we can't delete any of the "Not Completed" forms, so it appears as an endless list of red, unprocessed material on our Dashboard. We need to be able to get rid of the clutter or archive it somehow for the patients who came in and filled out paper forms anyway. I'm not sure what the response rate is for online forms for other offices is at this time, but ours is low. We want to increase the percentage of responses with new patients before we use it for updating existing patient information.
We would like another button on the Dashboard under the "Status" or "Action" column. Something that indicates that a team member has processed the file, so we're not repeatedly double checking if someone has downloaded a file already.
And lastly, I was told an update will be coming soon. Can I get a time frame for that please?
Thanks in advance! The Team at Clinton Family Dental -
Belinda Campbell - 2 commented
Agreed. I have 4 front desk and it is impossible to determine if a form has already been downloaded by a staff member so becomes very inefficient.
Anonymous commented
Digital Forms Dashboard - there needs to be a way to identify between unseen and seen completed forms. Maybe a check box we can mark when we have either verified the patient info or downloaded the PDF's (since we do not have an integrated system to automatically update changes to info)
Ashley Spierling commented
This is in regards to the Weave Forms. I wish that the list of sent forms was more organized. Being able to sort alphabetically by patient name or even status would be more helpful. Being able to check off a patient after staff reviews the forms and put them into another location would be fantastic.
Dr. Sharitha Uchil commented
For the forms, it gets really confusing with the uncompleted and completed forms all mixed together, it would be nice if they could separate once completed and have us be notified they are finished.
[Not Provided] OZARK EYE CLINIC commented
I would like to be able to archive the forms once we have uploaded into patients chart, I feel like it would make it easier to navigate and less confusing if multiple people are checking on the forms we receive.
EyeCare Associates commented
On forms we would like to be able to mark as printed or delete them
Amanda commented
There should be a way to manually dispose of incomplete forms to keep up with clutter