Indicate that the form has more fields to fill out
Please update the user interface for Safari in regards to forms. Multiple patients have been mentioning errors that they cannot submit without a "please fill out the form" message. On Safari with Apple mobile devices, the "Next" button stops after the third line, patients do not know that there is additional information to fill out on a page when there are no indicators that scrolling is needed or when the block for the "next" button is large and takes up 1/3 of the screen device face. If either a scrolling indicator, or the section with the button is smaller could be implemented, that may help individuals see that there is more to that page than just the top three lines. Thank you for your time!
HI Kelly,
Thanks so much for your valuable feedback. We have made some improvements to the patient form filling experience on mobile web browsers. Attached is a video demo of the improvements.
We appreciate your patience.
Product Manager,
Weave Digital Forms
Kelly commented
Thank you so much for taking this into consideration and for implementing it! This will be extremely useful. Thank you again!