Form notifications
It would be great to get a notification when a Form has been completed.
The Digital Forms team is pleased to announce the release of Submitted Form Notifications--our most requested feature.
Learn more at WeaveHelp:
We hope you enjoy using this feature. There's more to come in the next few weeks!
We are making continuous improvements to Forms and your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to give us your feedback on Form Notifications:
Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Please develop a Wellness form that would be appropriate for a pediatric office. ASAP!
Rebecca Cross commented
1. Make the Wellness form customized by allowing the office to select the questions they want to ask. Ex: Our office patient demographic is over the age of 60, so every patient that fills out the Wellness Form is on that list in the Admin Portal. There is no reason to have that as a symptom, as age is not a Covid-19 indicator.
2. Writeback to the Weave app when a pt fills out the wellness form
2. Make the Wellness Forms in the Admin Portal sort-able by date of appointment.
3.Make the Wellness forms in the Admin Portal, that are sorted into appt time order, printable with the appt time, name, and Symptom. -
Douglas Hoppe commented
You need to allow people to submit wellness forms on your portal without requiring both a phone number and email address. Not everyone uses email. I have been asking my staff to verbally get the answers for patients that don't fill out the wellness form to put in the form and submit it on behalf of the patient. The issue has come up that we don't have an email for everyone. As a workaround I have told my staff to put: N@A in the email spot just so we can submit the form. It requires something with an "@" symbol in the email spot to send. This requirement of both phone and email address should be removed and make email optional or possibly only require a phone number or email instead.
Anonymous commented
Hi, We would like our Wellness form to reflect Canadian regulations. Can we add additional questions or modify existing questions:
Q1: Do you have a concern for a potential COVID-19 infection for the person?
Q2: Did the person have close contact with anyone with acute respiratory Illness or travelled outside of Ontario in the past 14 days?
Q3: Does the person have a confirmed case of COVID-19 or had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
Q4: Does the person have any of the following symptoms:
• Fever
• New onset of cough
• Worsening chronic cough
• Shortness of breath
• Difficulty breathing
• Sore throat
• Difficulty swallowing
• Decrease or loss of sense of taste or smell
• Chills
• Headaches
• Unexplained fatigue/malaise/muscle aches (myalgias)
• Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
• Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
• Runny nose/nasal congestion without other known cause
Q5: If the person is 70 years of age or older, are they experiencing any of the following symptoms: delirium, unexplained or increased number of falls, acute functional decline, or worsening of chronic conditions?
Thank you,
Clearly Orthodontics -
Thomas Kearns commented
We would like to have the ability of moving a patient's email address from the wellness form into our Dentrix Family File
Sarah Marsitto commented
Wellness forms... it would be extremely helpful if we could preview them 1st without downloading them. And 2nd, it would be VERY helpful if they would download as a PDF so that it is a recognizable format to save in our patient's chart. We use Eaglesoft Dental software. The only way to do it now is to download it, view it, print it, scan it, save it into our patient's chart. That defeats the purpose of paperless transactions, is time consuming, more room for error and not practical. PDF would be great. Thank you!
Heidi Olwell commented
Great ideas!!
Heidi Olwell commented
I have several suggestions for the wellness check. Please add the wellness question "have you been diagnosed with Covid-19?". Please add the APPOINTMENT DATE and the DATE SUBMITTED so that they appear on the wellness form. Also in the Admin portal for the wellness checker please add the appointment date as a search option. We have been using the form for several weeks and these changes would make our life and the rest of the Weave users life much easier.
Gordon Averill commented
Please create the function to output the wellness forms filled out by patients into PDF's which is compatible with Eaglesoft. Thanks in advance!
Anonymous commented
The wellness form is a great idea. Can we also have a HIPAA form that can be included too? That would be great.
Anonymous commented
It would be very helpful to add submission date to the actual wellness form after a patient has submitted the questions. So when we download the form and attach it to their profile there won't be a question of when did the patient fill out this paperwork because it's nondiscrete. Or even a filling spot for the patient to type the date. This is so if the download paperwork is floating around we know the patient filled it out recently as oppose to a few months ago.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to delete the customers names from the Wellness Form list after I have downloaded their form. Also, to be able to see the difference between those names we downloaded the wellness form and the names that have just recently submitted the Wellness form. Thank you!
Adriana Rodriguez commented
A notification, when a Wellness form comes back with an alert.
Anonymous commented
I think it would be a good idea to have an icon where you can delete forms that patients send back to you from the portal. If you have a big enough staff multiple people are checking the forms and adding it to patients chart, but its double work because there is no way of showing who has already completed the forms.
Dr Parker POC commented
Why are my Cancel and Curbside templates reversed on my mobile phone? SO FRUSTRATING. Cancelled all of my patients for today because I texted from home on Memorial Day
Anonymous commented
Wellness form should be able to be edited. Thank you
Natasha commented
We love the wellness form with the exception that completed forms stay on the list even after they have been downloaded. It makes it hard to see who has been downloaded and who has not. I would suggest a box that can be marked completed or the ability to delete after downloaded.
Linda Lanik commented
It would be amazing if you could program a notification when a patient completes the Wellness form. With all the additional tasks being performed, checking for new wellness forms is getting overlooked. Something as simple as a colored dot or icon would be great.
Lisa OM commented
I am aware that I am not able to edit your wellness form but I think it would be a big plus if those questions were addressed to the patient and their immediate household because the spouse maybe sick but not test Covid-19 positive and the patient may certainly be infected and not be symptomatic yet. It is a fine point but I think it is significant Thank you
Anonymous commented
Wellness for in Admin Portal need to be able to delete once we have received the form.