Form notifications
It would be great to get a notification when a Form has been completed.
The Digital Forms team is pleased to announce the release of Submitted Form Notifications--our most requested feature.
Learn more at WeaveHelp:
We hope you enjoy using this feature. There's more to come in the next few weeks!
We are making continuous improvements to Forms and your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to give us your feedback on Form Notifications:
Thank you!
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to delete wellness forms from the admin portal after I have downloaded them and added them to the patients chart
This way I can be more organized and keep up with which forms I have already downloaded and which ones I havent
Rachelle Gifford. commented
We are hoping that there will be an update (soon) to include the option to delete or archive the Wellness forms once they are viewed and downloaded by our office. We see over 100 patients per day and this area is overwhelming with so many patients and forms to sort through.
Anonymous commented
I would like to request the ability to edit forms sent to patients, especially the wellness form. As CDC guidelines are always changing, we need to ability to tailor the questions to our office needs. Additionally, the verbiage of the form needs to include "have you been exposed to or have you yourself been diagnosed with COVID 19"
Thank you -
Anonymous commented
The wellness form could have a section for team members. Maybe even just a toggle filter for showing only team members' daily responses.
Anonymous commented
We need to be able to change the wellness form questions to fit current situations! ASAP
Janet - commented
Having the wellness forms has been a HUGE help. However, it would be great to be able to delete each individual form once it has been looked over by our office. We are constantly changing and updating our scheduled and it would allow for more organization in our office to be able to do so. Thank yo for this great feature!
Anonymous commented
Can you please set up alerts for whenever wellness forms identify a traveled, compromised, exposed, high risk patient, etc. ? An email alert or alert in the app would be highly beneficial.
Anonymous commented
Can you please add wellness forms to the desktop app? Our front desk staff can do all of their day to day communication tasks in the app except check wellness forms for high risk or symptomatic patients.
Anonymous commented
Is it possible to change our one of the wellness form questions? Right now it says “have you traveled in the past 14 days to any regions affected by COVID-19”
Can this be changed to “Have you traveled out of state within the last 14 days? -
Anonymous commented
Would be a great idea to be able to get a notification when someone completes our wellness form. We have to check a few times a day to see if someone did it, would be nice if a notification would tell us that such patient has completed the wellness form.
Dawn Short commented
Hello we would you to udate the Wellness form to match the new CDA Covid-19 Patient Screening form please. I sent a copy to whom I spoke with at Weave customer service but I'm sure you can find it at
Can you then please add it to our curbside 2 day reminder and please call the office when its done. Thank you!
Dawn 925 945-6204 -
Anonymous commented
We have been getting a lot of patients who are confused by the last wellness form question regarding travel. Maybe it can be worded differently if they have been able to keep social distancing instead including if they have been traveling? Since we are in California and the region is a hot spot itself for Covid, the travel question is no longer applicable to us but social distancing is . Thank you!
Laurie Feezle commented
would be nice to have a date on the wellness forms for downloading into patient record
Ellen Salazar commented
For the Wellness Forms, it would be very helpful to receive a notification when a new form has been received. Then it would be helpful to have the option to mark as downloaded. Also would be helpful to be able to quickly know who has not completed the form on any given scheduled day, and be able to send a notification only to those patients. Like having the form electronically, but as it sits it is more work than it is worth...having to check, check and recheck to see if new forms have been received. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
New questions need to be added to the Wellness form that is sent to patients via text message AND we need to have the ability to edit our Wellness Form ourselves so we can have these changes made immediately. The question “Have you ever tested positive for COVID-19?” and the follow up questions “If you have tested positive for COVID 19 in the past, have you since been tested for COVID-19 again and received a negative test result?”
We just had a patient leave who through casual conversation stated she had been positive July 8th and thought she was fine to come in for an appointment now. Evidently, we need to change the questionnaire to prompt this information to be shared sooner. I tried changing the questionnaire myself and learned I have to wait until development finds it necessary to add questions. That is not a good answer. Please fix this! -
Jamey Bender commented
Can you update the Wellness Form to the newest CDA format with more detailed questions? Can we submit a copy to be reviewed?
Anonymous commented
Hi, we would like to see if we could have a question added to the COVID Wellness Form for patients. We are in CT and as of July 21, there are 31 states that are included in Connecticut's travel advisory which would require anyone who has traveled from one of those states into CT to self-quarantine for a 14 day period.
Anonymous commented
We are finding that if a patient is added to the schedule for same day that they do not get the 1 hour prior to appointment text and wellness form.
Anonymous commented
I was wondering if there is a way to edit Wellness form? A lot of pts have headaches or light cough due to seasonal allergies, and Im having to call every one of them due to the fact they marked Yes on a form. Is there a way to add a “comment here” place? Or for each office to create their own form? Thank you for you help! -
Anonymous commented
It would be very helpful to be able to delete the Wellness Form once it has been imported in to the patients Smart Doc. Also, it would be much easier if the Wellness Form was returned to us as a text.