Customize color for desktop app
This new color scheme you've chosen is incredibly painful to look at long term. If we had an option to change it, even if just back to the original aqua, it would be better.
I am pleased to announce that with the release of the new Weave experience into open beta, we have released the ability to customize the color of your desktop app. This exciting change has made Weave even more powerful and flexible to suit your needs. Want to learn more? Register for one of our webinars, send me an email, or visit the Weave website.
Jenny Zabel commented
Looks like you need to add the ability to customize the desktop app according to individual preferences.
Cathy Mauer commented
You guys have got to quit changing things without input! #1 the staff hates the color change on the desktop app (small thing). Hopefully you are gearing up to let that be changed to the users discretion.
Jamie Towe commented
I don't like the new dark blue color at all. Please bring back the lighter blue.
Alexis Murray commented
We should be able to change the color of the weave buttons for example they were light blue now they are dark blue/ purple? To be honest the color kind of hurts some of our eyes and we were hoping you can add a feature in so we can change the color to what best suits our eyes and style. Thank you!!!
Diana Raulston commented
The new color scheme is causing issues with highlighting for copy paste of messages. You can't hardly see the highlighting if at all.
Clinic Team commented
These colors look terrible
Heather commented
I know this seems incredibly minor, but with an astigmatism this new color is sooo painful.
Lucas commented
I second this! Our Weave desktop application updated today and the new color of the icons on the home screen isn't very easy on the eyes in my opinion. I would definitely appreciate the ability to customize how the app looks (or even a dark mode).
Anonymous commented
Having the ability to customize our weave apps. Color, font, etc.
Arranging things where we want it.
Maybe having the option for each user to create a customization/modification. Kind of like Dentrix where you can modify and select your design on the procedure button options. So if I am using another computer that day that is normally "Jane Doe" app I can go to a setting easily to change to "John Doe" modifications. That way if we need to be at another desktop that day we are not forced to use that users modifications and can change to our.