Legacy Desktop App
57 results found
Option to Delete Forwarded Voicemails
Please add the ability to immediately delete a voicemail after forwarding it to another phone. I get a lot of complaints from users who transfer a voicemail, they have to go all the way back through the voicemail menus to get back to the voicemail they forwarded to then delete it off of their phone. It would be ideal if immediately after forwarding a voicemail, the user is given the option to delete if off of their phone.
2 votesthis is available in the new weave experience!
Outbound number selection- NEEDS DEFAULT OPTION!
Please discontinue the NEW feature requiring us to input "Select outbound line". We make hundreds of phone calls a day and ONLY want our outbound calls coming from the main line. Otherwise, clients do not pick up. We have a dozen employees and they will not remember to pick the "Main outbound line" with each phone call. If the feature can't be removed for our business, please make it possible to pick a DEFAULT outbound number, so we can pick our main number.
2 votesThis is available in the new weave experience
Outbound Number swapping
Office is wanting to join Unify and setup a centralized call center that will both receive, make, and transfer calls for all of their offices. But they want their staff members to be able to switch the outbound caller number each outbound call. They don't want to have to call Weave to change the outbound caller # on each device whenever they need to switch #s
2 votesthis is available via the dialpad in the new weave experience
Requested Calls / Voice Mail Enhancements
It would be nice to have the following additional features added to the voice mail functionality:
In the app
1. Internal forward to a specific person (this can be done on the phone, but not the app).
2. The ability to pin/star/highlight important voice mails.
3. For non- EMR users, within a call or voice mail, create a button to automatically to create a profile that captures the callers phone number for an unknown caller.In the Admin portal
1. Be able to search/ filter by user name.
2. Be able to search/filter by extension number.
3. Be able to…2 votesthis is available in the New Weave Experience
Search Feature to find a call by # or name.
We would like to be able to search placed and missed phone calls by the # or patients name, instead of having to scroll through the entire list and not seeing the call. Also, there seem to be some bugs still where certain calls are not showing up at all. These changes/fixes would be very much appreciated.
2 votesthis is available in the New Weave Experience
In our office things can get very busy very fast and one of our top priorities is to be able to answer all calls, and if we miss them we call them back ASAP. That being said, when several patients are calling at once, I'm not always able to cut off the patient I'm speaking with to switch over to the other incoming call to place them on hold. Not to mention that this would be rude and look bad for our business if we had to do this several times per call. So what I'm suggesting/requesting is a…2 votesThis is available using call queues
"Park" clients on hold in order call received
Since getting Weave, we have unlimited phone lines and with the Covid-19 our office lobby is closed leaving all business to be conducted over the phone. Of course this leads to overwhelming call volume. We do have a message that explains this for those clients that have to leave a message however it would be nice if Weave offered a program that "parked" clients on hold in order call received and offered a message explaining "due to covid we are experiencing longer than normal wait time and please hold and your call will be answered in order received and if…
2 votesThis is available with call queues
When a patient leaves a voice mail, they should not get a "missed your call" text
If a patient leaves a voicemail if we do not answer the phone, they should not also get a "sorry we missed your call" text message. Many are responding back to the text message that they left a voicemail and for us to listen to that- some annoyed. The text should only go out to those that do not leave a voicemail.
1 voteHi Raina, this is already an option! Just use the Call Type filter.
Matt Schultz
Weave Product Management
More voicemail options
A few suggestions:
- Archive option for Voicemails: being able to not delete the voicemail but to save it in a different area?
- Saving Voicemail to patients profile
- Voicemail usage details: being able to see how much storage you have left for voicemails.1 vote -
List all patients with that phone number in active call screen
When a call comes in, it would be helpful if Weave listed all patients with that number. Weave doesn't always select the correct patient so a list allowing us to select the correct patient and therefore see the correct information would save us a lot of time.
1 vote -
Have Customer Names in Call Records
It would be nice if customer names were included in the call records, instead of just phone numbers. I think this would be helpful when searching through call records as well, instead of just looking for a number, we could search customer names.
1 vote -
Unlink phone
We would like to be able to unlink the Desktop App from a phone
1 votethis is available in NWX
emergency voicemail
We would like to have access to the emergency voicemails on the desktop application. We have been requesting this feature for over a year. For a brief time yesterday, this feature was avaiable but it quickly was removed. As you can see in this screenshot, we had a drop-down option to select between our regular voicemail box or the emergency. We would really appreciate having this option avaiable again.
1 vote -
Call Pop Caller Was Forwarded Info
Call Forwarding Location ID -
We have two locations. Both use the same phone number, and our patients choose from a phone tree to talk to which facility they want. We have it set that if a patient calls our original location (option 1) and the call isn't answered, it is forwarded to our Cedar Park location. I'd like to add on the Call Pop info for that caller, some indication this caller tried the original location first and it was forwarded. This is just helpful for the front desk staff, so they are aware before answering that this is…
1 voteYou can use phone tree labeling to achieve this experience
1 vote
this option is available via park ringback and as a fault configuration on local hold
Allow us to disable the save option after sending a voicemail to another extension
When transferring a voicemail to another extension, it currently saves a copy in your voicemail box. We are interested in having the option to disable this feature. This way, when a voicemail is transferred, it won't save a copy in your voicemail box, and it will be sent directly to the designated extension. With our daily volume of 30-100 voicemails, the initial sorting process is challenging enough, and having to sift through saved voicemails that have already been listened to adds to the complexity.
1 voteIn the New Weave Experience you can delete a voicemail upon forwarding it in the app.
Delete voicemail after callback on phone
There should be a way to delete a voicemail after using the option to call back the customer on the phone. It's ridiculous to have to hang up the phone and re-call the voicemail number to access and delete the message of the customer you just called back!
1 voteusing visual voicemail in the weave app will give you immediate access to the delete voicemail option at any time.
extension number directory on desk phones
It would be very helpful if the physical phones (both wired and wireless) automatically pulled a directory of extensions from withing your office so that we did not have to remember them all. They could pull the phone's name and extension from the portal so that they would all be labelled too.
1 voteThis is available on Yealink local directories under the "extensions" folder. Polycoms should see a similar update soon.
Ability for phone to display what department the incoming call is coming from right now we use different ring tones per different departments but it would be nice if there was something visual as well to depict the department on the phone. We use different greetings for one department that's why its important for us.
1 votedepartment labels are available on call pops and users can set phone tree labels to come through in caller id on deskphones and in the call pop
extension renumbering
*What department are you in? * Onboarding
*Which Feature does this pertain to? * User Functionality
*What area of the Feature? * Weave Portal > Devices
*What pain points/suggestions does the office have? * This is my suggestion but a common issue I see. Offices sometimes change their device name while also changing the extension number. However, changing that number does not actually renumber. Therefore, offices get confused, annoyed, escalated, etc. It also confuses the obtech trying to troubleshoot and renumber phones quickly and accurately. Something like the attached screenshot below would be cool. However, I understand Weave 2.0 is…
1 voteextension renumbering can now be managed in the admin portal.
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