Digital Forms
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Digital Forms team
27 results found
"No To All" option for medical conditions on registration form
Is it possible to have a "no to all" button? We have about 20-30 listed medical conditions on our registration forms. Clicking "no" so many times is tedious and time consuming. Patients are stopping midway through. It'd be great to have a "No to All" button for listed medical conditions.
22 votes -
Needed elements in Weave forms
1) Weave forms: Add the ability to DELETE & GROUP DELETE some completed forms - example - Wellness forms
2) Add the ability to include links in Weave forms. Example - HIPAA Privacy Forms are long, and patients get discouraged in receiving a long packet of forms to fill out. Privacy practices could be shortened by several pages by offering the patient a link to read the form if they wish. We are only required to acknowledge they were OFFERED the form.Thanks.
12 votes -
Customizable Form Layout & Non-Patient Entries
I was under the impression that it would actually be our formatted forms that were digitalized so that they are uniform with the forms we give our patients (i.e. the inputted information is pulled into a PDF that looks identical forms we uploaded). This would be the ideal solution to the readability issues, and what our previous DPI software did.
If this is not doable, we should be able to format how the responses are presented on the forms, they currently do not look like official medical forms (that often need to be submitted to insurance companies, lawyers, governmental bodies,…
5 votes -
Form builder - cut and paste option
It would be handy in updating/reformatting digital forms to be able to CUT & paste elements rather than copy/pasting only. For example, all the forms that Weave digitized for us were single-section forms, making them very long. I discovered the Section tool and like the usability of that. However, in order to update the forms to use Sections, I have to drag each element down into the new Section, which is pretty time consuming and annoying, especially when the Section doesn't "grab" the element you've just dragged all the way down the page and the element stays put in its…
3 votes -
Clone from one form to another
Option to clone sections/fields from one form to another, rather than only within the same form. For example, we need health history info on multiple forms and it would be nice to copy/paste that section across forms since it's a checklist and can't be copied/pasted from a Word or Google Doc.
3 votes -
Ability to duplicate digital forms
Request for the ability to duplicate forms instead of recreating an entire form new form. For example, our previous patient forms are only slightly different from new patient forms. It would be helpful to have the ability to duplicate forms for minor changes.
3 votesHi Jaqueline, Thanks for your feedback. This feature has been planned for future release. Please watch this space for updates.
Improve the layout of forms created in Form Editor
As far as the forms go, it would be great if the editor had control of the spacing as the documentation is very choppy and spacey. Also, if you can find a way that customers can logo their forms in specific places not just centered at the top of the document in font 48 size. A way to make them prettier and more eye catching would be ideal. Thank you.
3 votes -
Need an N/A Option for Required Text Entry Elements
There should be a built-in optional element to allow patients to bypass a required question if it's not appliable to them.
For example, if we have a short text element asking for "Subscriber ID" and the patient is Self Pay. If we make it required, they can't submit the form. But if we don't make it required, other patients can/will just leave it blank. We're having to type out instructions for half the questions, which just makes the form longer and more annoying for the patient to complete.
2 votes -
Digital forms
I am trying to make a online form for online referrals to eliminate paper referrals, time mailing/scanning, and multiple emails. My idea was to make a custom form but my only downfall was the option to upload xrays. They use that same tech for the Insurance card photo (Front & Back). My work around for the time being was to use said element for card and name it xrays even though it says picture of front and picture of back.
If there is anyway to make an area to upload photos beside insurance cards, would anyone else use it?
2 votes -
Teeth Chart
It'll be great to have a set of checkboxes representing the teeth numbers. 1-16 on top and 17-32 on the bottom. That way when we're doing a consent form for extractions. Our assistants can select the teeth #s that we are working on. Also have the teeth #s in the order of how we think of teeth. So 1-16 on top line, and 32-17 on lower line.
2 votesThanks for your feedback.
Select which froms for Manual review and write back
When we switched from mConsent to Weave forms we lost the ability to have the provider electronically sign the from in their own portal; if weave would allow an option in the Form Editor for the office to select which forms could be manually reviewed the provider could then electronically sign it before it is written back.
Post COVID I am surprised that we have the ability to have it on the patient phone yet ask the provider to touch the patient phone to electronically sign.
Right now if we make all forms manual we loose the benefit of which…
2 votes -
Matrix Question for Weave Forms
We have several symptom questionnaires for patients and need a MATRIX question option that can calculate a symptom score. Example: Symptom #1: 0 points for never, 1 point for seldom, 2 for sometimes, 3 for often, 4 for always. This continues for a list of 20-30 symptoms.
1 vote -
Hide conditional logic on complete form
I love online forms and using this conditional logic, but is there anyway to hide the "unanswered" questions on the completed form? It just seems unnecessary to show everything that is on the form, if you have a lot of conditions.
1 vote -
Auto-calculate total score based on patient responses
Our office has a form that requires patients to check from "Never, Seldom, Occasionally, Frequently, and Always" in about 20 multiple choice questions. Each answer is worth a certain number (i.e. Never=0, Seldom=1, etc) and we currently have to manually grade and calculate final score. It would be nice for the form to automatically calculate the score based on the responses from the patient to save time doing that after the fact.
1 vote -
Form Templates
Looking to hopefully get it that theres no limit on "mobile phone number" spots that we can put into a spot and that it automatically puts it into the format of (123)456-7891. Also for email addresses to have no limit on there and make sure that its a proper email address.
Also for us Canadian customers, instead of "state" and having it show all of the states, can we have a province one that shows all provinces??1 vote -
Health/Medical History: 1 Question With Boxes to Check/Uncheck Instead of Separate Questions For Each Condition
It would be much easier (less tedious) for the patient, on the health history part of a digital form, if instead of individually asking 100 questions about their medical conditions that they have to click yes/no to, to just have one question with all the boxes of medical conditions that they can select all that apply. So they can either just check 1 box that says None of the Above, or just click the couple of boxes that correspond to the medical conditions they have, instead of having to tediously click yes/no to 100 different medical condition questions.
So 1…
1 vote -
Please allow primary fields to be used more than once when we are personalizing our patient registration forms. Thanks!
1 vote -
Multiple choice conditions unselecting previous answer
When creating a condition within a multiple choice, selecting the option that is related to the condition opens the second multiple choice section as expected, but it then deselects the previous answer.
For example:
Multiple choice with A, B, and C.
When C is selected, another multiple choice option appears, (condition) options D or E. This is what we want.
When D or E is selected, C is deselected. For record keeping's sake, we need Weave Forms to indicate C was selected, as well as D/E.
Upon further review, it looks like this issue is also happening when having seperate…
1 vote -
You should have a place where we can paste autosignature for regular staff. This why the staff does not have to sign the form each time we get it. We can pick from one of the 10 staff and paste the signature to the box.
1 vote -
NEED to have ability to add attachments to all forms from a link without kiosk mode
Contact me. I use this for referral forms and other offices are unable to attach xrays or any other information or reports when submitting the referral form. This creates more work for everyone.
1 vote
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