Search options for recent calls
Can you add a calendar or an option to enter the date we are looking for calls missed, received or placed. Also if you could place the time stamp on those dates as well.
In the New Weave Experience you can:
- search by number (10 digits)
- search by name
- filter by date or date range, call result, call direction
Anonymous commented
It is great that the phone calls can be recorded, but accessing these calls after a period of time has passed is difficult in that you have to scroll down through the call list to find the date/call of interest. If a month has passed this is very difficult, if not impossible (the system will send you back to the top/most recent when a phone call comes in). I see that it has already been recommended that the phone log be searchable by date, etc.... I would also be helpfull to be able to search by patients phone number.
Dr. Office commented
1. Search Recent Phone Calls
2. Filter Phone & Recent By Day, Time Range & Operator -
AdminWeave Product Team (Admin, Weave) commented
It would be helpful if you could search for a recent call by number or date.
Ryker Watts commented
This office would like a filter that puts unread messages at the top of their messages app so that they can quickly find them and respond to them.
Ryker Watts commented
She wants a way to see the unopened txt msg. I guess they send them all the time and she wants a way to just see the unopened ones. Cuz she has to scroll down for a very long time before she gets to just one. Then when she hits back it takes her to the top again so she has to scroll all the way to the bottom again where there were still unopened ones from yesterday.