In our office things can get very busy very fast and one of our top priorities is to be able to answer all calls, and if we miss them we call them back ASAP. That being said, when several patients are calling at once, I'm not always able to cut off the patient I'm speaking with to switch over to the other incoming call to place them on hold. Not to mention that this would be rude and look bad for our business if we had to do this several times per call. So what I'm suggesting/requesting is a feature where all callers get a verbal message(directly after dialing our phone number) thanking them for their call and letting them know that someone will be with them shortly, and are promptly placed on hold until one of our staff members is able to answer the call.
As a small business, we value the time and interest of all our patients and would like to be able to handle our growing patient population as well as possible. I believe Weave can accomplish this for us and we look forward to this becoming a feature in the near future!

This is available using call queues