I would like to be able to customize the "custom" templates. I would like to change the names to fit the messages, as well as the option to add more templates.

This is now live for all users! From inside a text thread with a specific contact, click the templates button to see the new experience - you can create as many templates as you want, rename and delete existing templates, and search by template name.
Anonymous commented
Good morning, I have some suggestions.
1. More ring tone variety, they all sound similar.
2. Ability to change the titles for the text templates. None of the current templates reflect what we are doing at our hospital so it's useless for us to use at this time.
3. Adding more templates so we can utilize the text feature more. We are partnered with PetDesk currently but would like to streamline more with Weave. My suggestion would be to model your platform more like PetDesk as it's incredibly user friendly, lots of features and easy troubleshooting.
4. Integrating with EzyVet. We will be transitioning to EzyVet next week and if Weave was integrated, it would be magical.
5. I realize you are busy, we are a busy practice so I know the challenges. However, the wait times I have experienced when calling into Weave are unlike any I have encountered other than the IRS and maybe the DMV. It isn't always quick to do the chat help option either.
6. Everyone is always very pleasant to speak with, please keep that up!
Thank you. - Candice -
Kate McGowan commented
It would be very nice to be able to have customizable (Title and content) for text templates. Currently, we can customize the content on some, but not the title, and they are all designed for human medicine use. As a veterinary practice, I would like them to be customizable to my industry/needs.
I also would like to see the requirement in electronic forms for client's to have to submit their name, contact info and birthday to be able to access the forms, as this is NOT relevant in veterinary medicine.
Michael Bourgoin commented
I like the custom message templates that we can text to patients. I would like to suggest that we can create more than the 2 custom messages that we currently are able to create. I can think of many uses for this, like sending online forms to new patients.
Cadman & Wagner Orthodontics commented
These are the default templates for messaging:
✓ Cancel Appointments
✓ Curbside Waiting Room
✓ Custom Message 1
✓ Custom Message 2
✓ Wellness Form
Currently you can’t edit the title of your templates -
It would be very helpful to be able to EDIT THE TITLE OF THE MESSAGING DEFAULT TEMPLATES. -
tracy commented
Please make the text template names editable. It is difficult for staff to remember what Custom message #1 is if they don't use it often.
Also, it would be great if we could edit the body of the email reminders, vs. having to call and ask for support to do that. It took 30 minutes to get through this last time so it would be great to be more independent. Thanks! -
Cami commented
More custom template, edit names of templates
Cristal commented
We need additional SMS message templates.
Sharon commented
For messaging templates used when clicking the schedule button, it would be useful to be able to 1) create your own, 2) have a higher amount of templates 3) be able to rename them. This will make the system more customizable and useful.
Kiera White commented
We would like a feature where you can add custom message templates, on top of the ones already built into weave. Additionally, we want to be able to edit the titles of the current message templates. Currently when we attempt to edit a message template the weave app crashes.
Shelby commented
Hello, we need the ability to add more templates to our messages. Not sure why we can't edit the names of the templates either?
Lexie commented
I would like to be able rename message templates and I would like to have an unlimited number of templates. It is a great feature and I wish I wasn't limited.
David commented
It would be very helpful to be able to further customize the text message templates in the weave desktop app. I would like to be able to add more templates and change the name of the templates!
Tina commented
Ability to add custom message templates (text) and edit the template names
Anonymous commented
I think it should be an option to add more templates to text chat feature. I think many office's have things that they text to their patients often it would really help to be able to save more for future use.
Windsor Dental Center -
Alexa Hulsey commented
Agree! We need more than five message templates, and we also need the ability to edit template titles
Alexa Hulsey commented
Please allow an option to change the titles of text message templates.
Eddy Naime commented
When texting patients, there are some premade messages we can use to make texting quicker. There are a couple that are "customs message 1", etc. It would be super helpful to be able to rename those to more accurately describe the premade message. For example, "Covid protocol consent". Its hard to simply memorize what "custom message 1" is or "custom message 2" might be. This is something I would imagine should be standard when you click edit. You should be able to edit the message and the label/name of that premade message. This may be an oversight because all other platforms I have used allow that.
Donnie Henry commented
It would be great to have message templates that can be customized. We have about 15 templates that we use on a daily basis with Nexus Prime and we are losing that functionality with Weave.
Scott Matheson commented
Make SURE you can SEARCH for templates. Categories to further organise them would be good. We have 50+ we use all the time and scrolling to find the right one is INSANE.
Michael Obregon commented
Hi, multiple/more/unlimited templates for text messaging patients would be very helpful. Many situations come up repeatedly!
Also, notification re completed wellness forms should be linked to the patient text box directly in the app. It is inconvenient to have to check in admin portal each time!
Thanks, hope this helps.