Resize Weave desktop app
Is there anyway to expand the weave desktop app? My staff and I, especially the front office users, would love and appreciate being able to make the app fit to the screen size of our monitors.

We have now released the new Weave experience into open beta, allowing all customers to use Weave on all devices, at all screen sizes. Want to know more? Register for one of our webinars!
Edgar Verastegui commented
Can Advanced Dentistry of El Paso be included on this?
Lifetime Smiles commented
Any updates on this response from 2022?
Ashley commented
This, and we need a new feature to change the font size according to our individual preferences or needs!!!
Diligent Operations Manager...we have an update for you and I'm going to send you an email to try it out. Stay tuned!
DILIGENT Operations Manager commented
This looks like last year in 2022 there was to be an upcoming update - is there a change in this as of now?
- commented
100% on this it is so time consuming to scroll when busy & to not be able to see all of what is typed out for texts. not to mention the scroll skips all the time. This has been in the works for almost a year and is still not accomplished? Is there an update?
j commented
Please allow the Weave app window to be resized and maximized. For an application that is a large part of our day, it would be nice if it could be expanded further than a small fraction of the screen size.
Margaret commented
The application screen size is too small. They should have a computer desktop version that can possibly fit the whole screen.
Adminmatthew.prina (Admin, Weave) commented
Amanda commented
Chad Fellows commented
Please allow the Weave app on our desktop to expand to full screen. It is a small window and not user friendly when doing texts, etc. Thank you!
David Yeo commented
I'd like the ability to resize the Weave desktop app on Mac.
Charleston Harbor Veterinarians commented
Be able to expand the software dashboard/box beyond the approx size of a mobile phone. When working on a desktop computer, it would be nice to expand the size of your message board for example. On windows, a windows, left or right keyboard entry should easily make the software fill half the computer screen for example.
Anonymous commented
Please make the text message window and the pop up window expandable so we have control of how large they are on the screen. If you need clarification regarding this idea please call me - Andre 212-920-3723. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Click and drag resizeable window.
Anonymous commented
Ability to click and drag text window to change size. The current small window paired with the large font makes it difficult to edit longer texts.