Form notifications
It would be great to get a notification when a Form has been completed.
The Digital Forms team is pleased to announce the release of Submitted Form Notifications--our most requested feature.
Learn more at WeaveHelp:
We hope you enjoy using this feature. There's more to come in the next few weeks!
We are making continuous improvements to Forms and your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to give us your feedback on Form Notifications:
Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Wellness Forms Process Enhancement Request: When Patient's get their reminder texts and respond to confirm - on Dolphin Management appointment for that day a little green "C" appears for confirmed appointment. What I am wondering is if when they submit their wellness form for their appointment can we have Dolphin add a (green) "W". That way we can see right on the front of their appointment that they did their form per our new Covid19 office policies. We could even make it better by changing color to (red) and adding "!" after "W" for symptomatic alert ex: traveled.
This would highly improve the ease of process and time consumption in our day constantly having to look patients up on the Weave Admin Portal (because we see 40-50 patients per day and require each one to fill out the form).
Thank you very much for considering my request!! Weave is awesome.
-Jaennae -
Anonymous commented
Public Health in Ontario requires you to self isolate for 14 day regardless of a positive or negative test result. Please add these questions to the wellness form.
1) In the last 14 days, has a public health unit identified them/you as a close contact of someone who currently has COVID-19?
2) Has a doctor, health care provider, or public health unit told them/you that they should currently be isolating (staying at home)?
3) Have they/you been tested for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Thank you.
Anonymous commented
I would like to have a customized Covid-19 Wellness template. We have found that the existing questions have not been adequate with our changing needs and the additional precautions that we are required to have in place. I understand from the Weave Help portal that the request needs to be requested here. Please get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you, Gloria -
Anonymous commented
I would like to see in the near future a feature I think would be helpful not only for my practice but most practices... when sending any forms that need to be completed prior to the patient coming in for their appointment. It would be nice if Weave can see who did not complete form and a text those patients a reminder asking them to complete the form prior to their appointment.
Dana commented
Hello, we would like to be able to customize the Wellness Form and I understand that is not available. Could we then suggest removing the question; " Are you over the age of 60?".
Thank you, Dana w/Main Station Dental -
Anonymous commented
We are requesting that you add 'HAVE YOU BEEN TESTED FOR COVID" ON THE WELNESS FORMS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
I was trying to see if there is an easier way to cross check the wellness forms with who you have scheduled that day. I would make it to how it is for confirming appointments where you can see who has and has not confirmed to make it more efficient!
Jessica Gann commented
Please find a way to remove old wellness forms from the que. Or have them turn a different color. The list was just turned on the other day and it's very long already, it's hard for a office with 3 people that are working on the sch to all over lap each other.
Thanks -
Anonymous commented
We use the admin portal to send out the covid questionnaire. we like the feature except that we are not able to clear out the forms once we download them to our patients charts. It would be really helpful if we were able to delete the questionnaires after we downloaded to our chart and that way the forms that are on the list are only forms that we are waiting on. Would really make it easier!
Avanel POC commented
The office would like notification when the patients fill out the COVID Wellness Form.
Anonymous commented
Please update the wellness form to allow for us to personalize it or at least an updated version since several questions are no longer relevant. ie...have you traveled.....
Anonymous commented
We would like to be able to edit the Wellness Form, especially the question regarding travel.
Please advise, -
Amy Flory commented
Please adjust the wellness forms so re-entering phone, email is not forced. We already have that information, otherwise they wouldn't be receiving it to begin with! We discontinued the wellness form because patients refused to fill it out with information we already have and they were just getting annoyed with us.
Anonymous commented
Hi! Can you please add 4 COVID symptoms to the questions? I'm asking because the Colorado Dental Association is requiring these to be part of our screening process. The 4 symptoms are: sore throat, runny nose, congestion, and muscle aches.
My suggestion would be to make the first question,"Do you have a cough, sore throat, congestion, or runny nose?," and then adding 'muscles aches' to the question about flu-like symptoms.
Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks!
c Rothwangl commented
It would save A LOT of time in my day if the Wellness Form could be DIRECTLY intergrated into the patient's chart for Eaglesoft. Right now we have to search for the patient, download it, save it as a PDF file, go to smartdoc of that patient, then import it. And also to get a notification somehow that a new Wellness Form is completed is helpful too instead of having to go look for each patient throughout the day.
Anonymous commented
would be great to have an integrated video conferencing module with expected protracted COVID-19 curbside disruption in normal business model
Bina Patel commented
I would like to suggest that one should have the ability to download all the wellness forms with one click of a button as well as individually as needed from the weave website to one's desktop.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice if there was a way to delete the wellness form from the Admin Portal once we have downloaded the form into the patient's chart instead of waiting 14 days for it to delete itself. Just easier to keep track of things (knowing its gone for me means I have already downloaded it) instead of seeing so many names on the screen.
Anonymous commented
Hi i'm writing on behalf of my Dental office (Jaffe Dental Group) We are newer to your systems so i still have questions and i happen to see that there is no option to change the Covid questionaire. I then called your resource center and i spoke with Korey and he said there was no option to change the questions. My concern is that the CDC updates information in regards to Covid weekly and i fear that the questions should be able to be modified as need be. Please consider this change because we need to make sure we are staying on top of the CDC guidelines and office protocols. Please reach out to Krista i'm the Office Manager at Jaffe Dental Group for follow up at 734-479-4111. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
We should be able to edit the wellness form to better suit our office. We would like to edit the ladt question.