Digital Forms
Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas and help us improve Digital Forms.
We value your feedback and look forward to creating a better experience for our valued users.
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Digital Forms team
123 results found
Medical History options
give option for if 18 or older, route patient to adult form, if younger than 18 route to children's form
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I would like for weave to implement a "clone" for packets and not just for forms. I think that would be more efficient. I chatted with weave support today and they stated cloning packets was not an available option at this time.
1 vote -
Matrix Question for Weave Forms
We have several symptom questionnaires for patients and need a MATRIX question option that can calculate a symptom score. Example: Symptom #1: 0 points for never, 1 point for seldom, 2 for sometimes, 3 for often, 4 for always. This continues for a list of 20-30 symptoms.
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Hide conditional logic on complete form
I love online forms and using this conditional logic, but is there anyway to hide the "unanswered" questions on the completed form? It just seems unnecessary to show everything that is on the form, if you have a lot of conditions.
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Auto send health history to update
We would love to have the option to have the Health History form auto generated to each patient at their first appointment of the year. It is a lot to manage to track who has updated their health history and who hasn't .. Modento would automatically send the form.
2 votes -
Integrate digital forms with Nextech
Weave does not integrate as much on nextech as advertised, and all patient forms we do on weave are great but do not integrate into the patient chart and are completely separate from nextech. Can we integrate our digital patient forms with nextech in order to input their information, medical history, insurance/ID, etc. in nextech and intellechart strait from weave? Thank you!
-Saland Vision2 votes -
Customize text post Booking Form submit
After submitting a Booking form online the messaging is very vague. "Can't wait to see you" is misleading to the patient that their appointment request was a "Success!" and they will likely start showing up to our offices.
The "Success!" message as well as the "Hi! We got your appointment request and will confirm soon. Can't' wait to see you!" should all be customizable.
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Practice Websites and Weave Interaction
While rebuilding our website, I wanted to use Weave interactions to allow patients to interact with text chat with our office from our website via code or a widget. I called, only to find out that there is a plan I can purchase for this. Honestly, dumb idea! If someone is willing to incorporate Weave widgets in their website, or via hard code, what are the chances they will ever cancel Weave service? NONE! ...that's the answer. Give away widget interaction for websites and keep Weave customers for life!
1 vote -
Sync Medical History to Eaglesoft Medical History
We are a mutli office user. And currently our medical histories do not sync with eaglesoft and we manually enter all medical alerts and medication lists which can be very time consuming. We would love the option for it to automatically sync, like it did when we had dental intelligence/modento.
2 votes -
Auto-calculate total score based on patient responses
Our office has a form that requires patients to check from "Never, Seldom, Occasionally, Frequently, and Always" in about 20 multiple choice questions. Each answer is worth a certain number (i.e. Never=0, Seldom=1, etc) and we currently have to manually grade and calculate final score. It would be nice for the form to automatically calculate the score based on the responses from the patient to save time doing that after the fact.
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Medication list is long as patients go through 10 pages of medications to select one
Every time our patients update their medication list they have to go through 10 or more pages and select their certain medication. We have a lot of feedback on how hard this is. If you could have 26 tabs (each letter of the alphabet) as a dropdown to the med list then that would help. What would even be better is to have them start spelling the medication and the options would start populating so they could easily select their meds. In the days of AI this should be easy to do. Make us all happy and make it easy…
1 vote -
Patient pictures
It would be great to have a place where we can take a picture of the patient where it directly syncs with our practice management system and into the weave dashboard. Currently we are using the "card capture" feature to do this and then the snipping tool to cut out their picture to import in, but it asks for a picture of the front and back of the card so when using this feature the patients think we are asking for a picture of the back of their head.
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Eyefinity Integration
We would love to see the forms integrated with Eyefinity PMS where the forms write back to Eyefinity.
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Please allow forms to auto sinc back while patient is completing the form in case they don't submit at the end and it times out
Please allow forms to write back and sync WHILE they are completing the forms. Thus, when they are done IF they don't his submit and the form times out they don't lose everything they completed.
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Get rid of Pre-admission registration requirement
The pre-admission registration page that people have to fill out just to submit something is terrible and not user friendly. To submit a referral to another office from a link on a website, you have to fill this out every single time. The creators are only thinking about patients filing out these forms which is very single track minded. Please contact me.
6 votes -
form order
The list of forms is not in any particular order, not even alphabetical. It would be great if we can stack them the way we want, for us it would be great if we could put on top the ones we use the most. When we had only a few forms it was fine. As we are adding more and more we have to go through the whole list. If we can not select a custom order, at least alphabetical or numerical order. Thanks.
1 vote -
Form builder - cut and paste option
It would be handy in updating/reformatting digital forms to be able to CUT & paste elements rather than copy/pasting only. For example, all the forms that Weave digitized for us were single-section forms, making them very long. I discovered the Section tool and like the usability of that. However, in order to update the forms to use Sections, I have to drag each element down into the new Section, which is pretty time consuming and annoying, especially when the Section doesn't "grab" the element you've just dragged all the way down the page and the element stays put in its…
3 votes -
Form Errors
I am constantly getting errors when patients are trying to fill out their New Patient Packet (we have a registration form, Auth to release records, Hippa and Eaglesoft Medical History) it always happens with the medical history. I have spoken to support multiple times and they have given me multiple fixes none last. The main thing they tell me to do is sync the Eaglesoft Medical History but at this point we are doing it multiple times a day and patients are still getting errors. When they get this error all forms they had already filled out clear out as…
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Clone from one form to another
Option to clone sections/fields from one form to another, rather than only within the same form. For example, we need health history info on multiple forms and it would be nice to copy/paste that section across forms since it's a checklist and can't be copied/pasted from a Word or Google Doc.
3 votes -
auto forms
would be great if forms were automatically sent to new patients when entered
1 vote
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