Ragine Grajeda
My feedback
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8 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Ragine Grajeda commented
On the app when you are in the voicemail section, we should be able to search for a phone number. Or have a little icon pop up that shows how many times the same numbered called. Or when people call and leave a voicemail but also send a text message, could you have a little alert that shows how many voicemails there are? That way we don't have to scroll one by one through the voicemails.
Ragine Grajeda supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Ragine Grajeda commented
Can there be an icon or something on the voicemails and texts, that shows you how many voicemails they've left. So if I look at a text first then I can know already if they left a voicemail also.
An error occurred while saving the comment Ragine Grajeda commented
When people call and leave a voicemail but also send a text message, could you have a little alert that shows how many voicemails there are and texts. And we can filter the voicemails to look for just that specific number just like the text. That way we don't have to scroll one by one through the voicemails.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ragine Grajeda commented
10000% agree!
Ragine Grajeda supported this idea ·
This would cut down the time it takes to go through the voicemails and texts. Sometimes we have over 100 voicemails and 40 texts.