Cancel Review Invitation for no-shows
I would love it if the review link was not sent to patients that did not show to their appointment. I love the auto-send feature, but it sent a review to a new patient that had never been to our office and didn't show to their appointment. That doesn't make our office look great, and it is pretty inconvenient for us to go through and send out the review links manually. It would be awesome if that could be fixed! Thank you for your time.
Hi all - we should be handling this today in Weave already. If an appointment is marked as no-show or canceled, we will not send out the review request. If you see issues with this, please contact me so we can troubleshoot - it's possible that your PMS isn't sending data to Weave in a timely manner, so we don't know to suppress the review message.
Matt Schultz
Weave Product Management
Anonymous commented
Currently, our "no show" patients are getting a follow up text about leaving a review even when they "no showed" to their appointment. Our staff marks the patient as a "no show" within 15 min of the missed appointment time. I did an online chat with a Weave rep and they asked the software team and the appointment has be canceled or removed within an hour before the time of the "review" text. Please advise. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
We need to be able to cancel a review text from going out if the patient has 'no showed'. It is not good to send a request to rate the appointment that they didnt show up for.
Anonymous commented
If a patient "No Shows" please make it to where it does not send them the Google Review text. In Office Mate we mark patients as "No Shows" so maybe see if that can trigger Weave to not auto send the review text to those patients. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Allow Reviews text to not go out when the patient no - shows. This suggestion is from All Kids Pedatric Dentistry.