web admin portal "scheduling->manage providers" should filter entries
I use Weave with OfficeMate integration. Officemate differntiates 'staff' from 'provider', and for people who are no longer with the company, allows me to set them as 'inactive'. Users cannot be deleted, as the audit trail needs to keep them around.
So we have 5 active employees, 1 active provider. But the admin portal list shows > 70 entries, from prior employees.
The Weave desktop app properly only shows active users. Only the web portal section is broken.
This list should be filtered, minimally, based on if a resource is marked 'active'. Ideally the list should be filtered to only show providers. Best of all, the menu item itself should not be visible to the all roles, but only a higher level admin role, as opposed to team member. Otherwise it is extremely confusing for a new employee to weed through dozens of entires to get to something.