Appointment Lead Time changed to Hours instead of Days
Our office has noticed that when you put lead time of 1 day it doesn't mean 24 hours later, it means the next day. This means before 12:00AM a patient would still be able to book a appointment at 9:00AM the following day.
I.E. the date is 06/22/2023, a customer/patient would be able to request an appointment at 11:00PM on their/phone computer for a 8:30AM appointment on 06/23/2023.
We don't see those requests until we come in the next morning as those are after hours when the request was made and its too last minute for us to schedule.
I would like to suggest using hours instead of days for lead time so we can be more specific to when an appointment is available. I understand that customers/patients can have option of selecting several appointment times but that doesn't really solve the problem if said customer/patient is only available at that time they requested and gets upset with us because it was said available the night before.