Digital Forms
Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas and help us improve Digital Forms.
We value your feedback and look forward to creating a better experience for our valued users.
Please mention whether you want our team to contact you when we start working on your idea.
Digital Forms team
124 results found
Hide information in completed form
It would be useful to be able to hide information from the completed form. For example, we have a price list section on the form, which is information that is useful for the client, but not for office use. Being able to hide the unneccesary info would speed up workflow, and help condense the forms.
1 vote -
Digital Forms Alphabetic Order
It would be great to have the forms in alphabetic order rather than the order they were uploaded/created.
2 votes -
We asked specifically of our sales Weave Rep if Weave had an App for the Kiosk I Pad and were told yes. Unfortunately this is not true. There is no App. An App would make checking in patients much more stream lined and easier to check in patients for forms and new patient information.
1 vote -
HIPAA Template
It would be super helpful and awesome to have the HIPAA form already available as a template! I think every office uses this and it is super long to have to create! Thank you so much for your consideration
4 votes -
Multiple choice conditions unselecting previous answer
When creating a condition within a multiple choice, selecting the option that is related to the condition opens the second multiple choice section as expected, but it then deselects the previous answer.
For example:
Multiple choice with A, B, and C.
When C is selected, another multiple choice option appears, (condition) options D or E. This is what we want.
When D or E is selected, C is deselected. For record keeping's sake, we need Weave Forms to indicate C was selected, as well as D/E.
Upon further review, it looks like this issue is also happening when having seperate…
1 vote -
You should have a place where we can paste autosignature for regular staff. This why the staff does not have to sign the form each time we get it. We can pick from one of the 10 staff and paste the signature to the box.
1 vote -
Confusing verbiage on sent forms
In the app, under sent the name of the packet that will be sent out is the the actual packet. They are all listed as "office visit Packet" which is the name of a different packet. Once it queues up the patients to send the reminder to with a form it then reads the filters to send the correct packet.
1 voteHi Caitlyn,
Thank you for reaching out to us. To better understand your feedback and assist you effectively, could you please provide more details? Below are a few questions that will help us gain a clearer understanding:
- I would like to understand your feedback more clearly, especially the part that states: "Once it queues up the patients to send the reminder to with a form, it then reads the filters to send the correct packet." I understand you are referring to Sent Packets, and your office has a packet named "office visit packet," but I could not fully grasp the feedback. Could you elaborate more on this?
- Additionally, Is this feedback related to the Desktop App or the Digital Forms Portal (
Please feel free to reach out to me at, and we can arrange a quick call to discuss this further.
Mayur Pathak
Product Manager | Weave…
Uploading forms
Is there a way to pre-load forms with scheduled paitents instead of loading each one at check in? For example, we see about 35 patients per day. It would be ideal to upload all the forms/packets to each patient and "save" them. This way, when patients checked in, we could simply select the patient and hand over the tablet for completing the check in process. This would greatly improve office efficiency.
1 vote -
Filtering Auto-Messages to know which patients to send what forms to while using Dentrix
We use Dentrix and there is no way to filter out which patients have submitted their "New Patient Packets" (all were new when we started with Weave a couple of months ago), and which have not. The filter options do not make sense with Dentrix. We need to use the "Status" for when we reach out to confirm an appointment or when the patient is here, etc. The "Type" is basically the description we use for the appointment itself and changes with each patient and appointment. There is literally NO WAY to filter it out.
So I have to spend…1 vote -
I use Patterson Fuse, if appointments confirmation information can be synced to the PMS directly, why can't the form information be done too. Ideally personal information/updates, payments applied directly to the ledger, and stretch is health history.
As an aside, Revenuewell has had the direct write back sync for more than two years for info/hh. I understand cost/benefit from a userbase perspective, but i'd ask.
1 vote -
fillable information in patient forms
Sending Consents to patients from forms.
Have a prompt that allows you to add to a fillable field before you send it to patient to sign. Ex: If a patient has a crown consent- have a box prompt for tooth # and Shade selection that the office can type into and then push the form to the patient. Another form company does this and it works very well.2 votes -
Form Categories to sort forms into (that ISN'T a packet)
It would be great if there were a way to sort forms and consents. Aside from building packets (which is helpful for new patient forms or existing patient form updates). Packets are useful for the above mentioned things but not every type of appt needs the same consents (eg. some surgery appts need extraction consent and anesthesia consent, but not all do so a packet doesn't make sense)
But for consents, having different categories like "Extractions/Oral Surgery", "Restorative", "Endo", etc that we can nest those different consents and forms under so it's easier for the team or patients to find…
1 vote -
Customizable Form Layout & Non-Patient Entries
I was under the impression that it would actually be our formatted forms that were digitalized so that they are uniform with the forms we give our patients (i.e. the inputted information is pulled into a PDF that looks identical forms we uploaded). This would be the ideal solution to the readability issues, and what our previous DPI software did.
If this is not doable, we should be able to format how the responses are presented on the forms, they currently do not look like official medical forms (that often need to be submitted to insurance companies, lawyers, governmental bodies,…
5 votes -
Mobile UI is not optimized
Forms is worthless in landscape mode because the words "Next", "privacy policy", "terms and conditions", "hipaa compliance", and "Powered by Weave" take up greater than 50% of the screen space... has anybody at Weave ever tried to fill out a form?
On the Review page for "Packets" consisting of more than 2 forms bundled, the tabs at the top to flip between the individual forms spills over into blank space on the right causing the page width to violate the scale-to-screen UI. This is very confusing for patients who are not accustomed to dealing with early 2010's mobile website design…
2 votes -
Setting to Disable Verification Codes for Some/All Forms
The 2FA / Verification Code system should be able to be configured to be disabled. It is unnecessary in most situations. Patient experience is fragmented now. This is exasperated by the fact that whoever designed the forms verification page coded it poorly to not allow autofill codes on MacOS Safari or iOS Safari. How is it that my code populates to autofill in the Weave Feedback Search box where it doesn't belong, but doesn't populate where it does belong....
2 votes -
NEED to have ability to add attachments to all forms from a link without kiosk mode
Contact me. I use this for referral forms and other offices are unable to attach xrays or any other information or reports when submitting the referral form. This creates more work for everyone.
1 vote -
Need an N/A Option for Required Text Entry Elements
There should be a built-in optional element to allow patients to bypass a required question if it's not appliable to them.
For example, if we have a short text element asking for "Subscriber ID" and the patient is Self Pay. If we make it required, they can't submit the form. But if we don't make it required, other patients can/will just leave it blank. We're having to type out instructions for half the questions, which just makes the form longer and more annoying for the patient to complete.
2 votes -
Reconsider 2 step verification security code on forms
We are a pediatric practice and will text links for forms (dependent children) to the mobile number attached to the patient's file in Dentrix (e.g., Mom's mobile number). Sometimes, Dad brings the child to the appointment - Mom has not completed the paperwork, so we then send the Form text to DAD'S mobile. When we do this, the Dad will then click on 'auto fill'. This then generates a request for a code - the code is then sent to the mobile phone listed on the patient's file which is MOM's mobile. Is there a way to disable this 2…
1 vote -
Integrate forms with Softdent
Would be nice to have Weave forms integrated with Softdent
1 vote -
Highlight patient responses in Forms
In PDFs generated by digital forms it is not easy to find patient typed responses since the fonts are almost all the same color.If you could change the font color for the Pt typed responses and all radio buttons of yes to the yes/no questions, it will be much easier to scheme and read the resulting PDF file in the system.
Please let us know if that is something that you can do for us.
Thank you42 votesDigital Forms PDF Improvements
We've improved the way PDFs are generated and presented in Digital Forms. Here's a summary of the notable updates:
- The PDF header now displays your logo or business name, along with important patient details.
- Page numbers in the footer ensure usability for both digital and print formats.
- Optimized spacing and text sizes enhance readability.
- Bold text distinguishes patient responses from questions.
- Highlighted YES answers (in fluorescent yellow) aid quick scanning and identification of crucial information.
- A 4-column layout for checklists ensures a streamlined design.
- Optimized page margins display more content per page without sacrificing readability.
We've made these improvements based on valuable feedback from amazing users like you. If you don't see these updates, please let us know. They will be generally available later this month.
Also, please take a moment to rate this update and continue to help us make this product better.
Thank you…
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