Get rid of Pre-admission registration requirement
The pre-admission registration page that people have to fill out just to submit something is terrible and not user friendly. To submit a referral to another office from a link on a website, you have to fill this out every single time. The creators are only thinking about patients filing out these forms which is very single track minded. Please contact me.
Taffy Fitzgerald commented
This would help a great deal in communicating with dental practices!!
Courtland commented
I want a form that can be filled out by referring g doctors from a link on our website. We could currently do this but every time they fill out the form they have to fill out a pre admission registration form. This should not be necessary. This is a hurdle that will prevent the dentist from using this link/form to refer patients. Further, it would be extremely beneficial if they could drag and drop pics and X-rays into the referral form.