Cancel Review Invitation for no-shows
I would love it if the review link was not sent to patients that did not show to their appointment. I love the auto-send feature, but it sent a review to a new patient that had never been to our office and didn't show to their appointment. That doesn't make our office look great, and it is pretty inconvenient for us to go through and send out the review links manually. It would be awesome if that could be fixed! Thank you for your time.

Hi all - we should be handling this today in Weave already. If an appointment is marked as no-show or canceled, we will not send out the review request. If you see issues with this, please contact me so we can troubleshoot - it's possible that your PMS isn't sending data to Weave in a timely manner, so we don't know to suppress the review message.
Matt Schultz
Weave Product Management
Lynette Sphar commented
I was told by the Weave customer service rep that Weave has limited integration with Eyefinity. This is the reason our No Show appointments are receiving a review link to complete regarding their visit to our office. How can they leave a review if the appointment never showed? I also was told to complete a suggestion here on this forum. Why do I need to complete a suggestion when I just spent time talking to a Weave rep? I feel like there should be more efficient ways to resolve our concern without all these steps. Please Advise. Thank you
Lauren Steffey commented
The reviews are queued for an hour before the appointment time, but we don't know they aren't going to show up until the appointment or shortly after. It should queue after not before. I had a patient yesterday 6/30/23 get a review text that was marked a no show. It makes us look terrible. Please fix the queue time, it looks very unprofessional and far from personable.
Why are we sending patients who didnt show up texts saying they did, when they were marked a no show?
I can not control if the patient confirmed and didnt show up. I should have software that can tell what time the appt was, wait and see if they come, and if they didnt show, not to text them saying they did. -
Anthony Fioravanti commented
Don't Send Auto Review Texts to Patients Who "No-Show"
Lauren Steffey commented
When I contacted Weave support, I was told "theres no other option other than to shut it off or cancel the appt one hour prior to their appt time".. We cant cancel a no show patient an hour before, theres no way for us to know they wont show up. This needs to be fixed.
Lauren Steffey commented
They should not be receiving a text saying they were here and being asked to leave a review, when they were not in our office. It makes us look very unorganized, and unprofessional.
Franklin . commented
Review requests shouldn't be automatically sent to patients who have no showed their appointments. If this isn't fixed, it literally makes the automated review request feature useless and potentially harmful to the practices' reputation management. Review requests should only go to patients that have been marked on the schedule that they kept their appointment. They should also receive a review request maybe 3ish hours (we should have a range of hours to choose from) after they were marked "kept" in an abundance of caution to make sure they get the review request after they've finished with their appointment. I don't believe any eye care practice wants to send review requests to no shows on a regular basis. How can that help their business grow?
Mona Kardani commented
We use OfficeMate and when a patient "no-shows" and we mark them as "no show." Yet most patients still gets a "Thank you for coming" text message. I spoke with a rep at Weave and she confirmed that if a patient has not been sent a review request in the past 6 months, they will receive one following a scheduled appointment. As long as the appt is not canceled or deleted, the request will still send - even to unconfirmed appointments, which means to no-shows as well. I also had another patient that did not confirm and no-showed, but actually received a no show message, but then also got a "thank you for coming to our office message." This is makes our office look bad, like we don't know what we're doing since patients are still getting review messages when they haven't stepped foot in our office. Weave, please fix this!
[Not Provided] BOND FAMILY EYE CARE commented
If a patient is a NO-SHOW and we click MISSED (10 minutes or more after his scheduled appointment), don't send him an automated REVIEW text, he wasn't here!
Mike Remer commented
We have a customer using Softdent that faces this issue. After discussing with support re the 1 hr before the appointment window discussed below, we thought of this solution. Since this is marked as Planned now, hopefully this will be implemented soon:
How weave does it now:
During the sync process that occurs 1 hour before the time of the appointment, Weave creates a list of all confirmed appointments. These are converted to invites that are sent after the appointment based on the delay period sent in the system. In this case it allows for the situation where a patient called and cancelled their appointment at least an hour before their visit.Our suggestion is to change this so Weave waits until 1 hour before the end of the delay period before creating a list of confirmed appointments to send review invites to. In this case once it is clear that the patient will not be showing up, the status of the appointment would be changed to unconfirmed. Because of the delay and the status of unconfirmed on the appointment the review request would be effectively suppressed.
Jennifer Guildford commented
Our office realized this morning that one of our patients who cancelled her appointment before we opened, received an automatic text thanking them for visiting and asking them to leave a review. Our office opens at 7:00am and our staff took out the appointment for 7:00am about ten minutes after the start of the appointment, but even though the appointment was not completed, they still got the text. After speaking with the help desk, they let me know that the texts cue up 1 hour before the appointment start time. So if a patient doesn't show up for their appointment, they had confirmed, or cancelled within the hour, they still receive the text. I was told the only way to get around this is to manually send all of them, which is not feasible. As all offices know, patients do confirm appointments and then not show or cancel last minute all the time. This should be corrected so that it cue's up after the appointment is completed so that it only goes to patients that truly arrived. Thank you! -
Shay Vander Vliet commented
I think you really need to have the option for the after appointment feedback to not send to certain operatories, just like you do for the appointment reminders. We very often move patients who have cancelled or who want to reschedule to our "sidebook" because my boss likes to see who has dropped out or if we're waiting to hear back from them to reschedule. If we don't get them off of the schedule then they get the text even though they never came. Hopefully my request makes sense!
Miriam OM commented
We have a Dr that sees alot of Medicals in office that require to come back for F/Ups I think it would be best for us to have a choice on how long to wait to send review to pt
Liane Prytula commented
We have noticed that patients who do not show up to their appointments still get the Review Auto-Text. We mark them as 'No Show' in OfficeMate within 20 minutes of missing the appointment, but they still get the text. This is a little embarrassing for us, and makes the office look bad. Please come up with a fix for this with an update soon!!
Anonymous commented
I had a patient (Calliana Sharrow) scheduled for 8:15am July 19. She did not show for her appointment, but Weave sent the automated reminder to give feedback on the visit. I didn't think this was supposed to be sent to all patients on the schedule, but only those who were seen. Glitch in the system? The patient was marked as a no-show on the schedule.
Kent Van Cleave commented
In OfficeMate, when a patient shows up for their appointment, we click the button that says "Show." This is what should trigger the "How did we do?" text. The patient may have confirmed their appointment the day before, but then the next day not show up. The "How did we do?" text should not even be loaded into your system until we click the "Show" button. This morning we had a no show, and they received the "How did we do?" text. That is absolutely terrible. Appointment "confirm" and "Show" are not at all the same thing.
Please call me at (916) 991-8444 if you would like more information. -
Alissa See Company/Practice Name commented
If our patient no-shows their appointment, they are still receiving the REVIEW YOUR APPOINTMENT text from Weave. I was told from support you must mark them canceled or rescheduled an hour before the appointment to not receive this text. How could we do that an hour before? It makes our office look incompetent to ask for a review when they didn't make their appointment.
Kelsey commented
Hi, we would like if patients who don't show up that an automatic review link does not get sent to them. Thanks!
Sarah commented
Hi, our office is using cloud-based Eyefinity Practice Management. Recently, I found out that Weave has been sending out automated text messages of review link to patients who did not show up for the appointments. In EPM, under APPOINTMENT STATUS, there is "no show" option. Can you add "NO SHOW" in Weave's mapping section so the review links will only be sent to patients who show up at their appointments? Thank you.
Anonymous commented
We need review requests not to go out to patients that missed their appointment or cancelled right before the scheduled time. For statistics, i need to mark that appointment missed, not delete it just so it won't trigger a review request.
Anonymous commented
Can you make the software not send out review request to patients that do not show up for their appointments?
Also since it request review before patients get their eyeglasses is the review only for the exam and not the glasses and whole visit?