Legacy Desktop App
1478 results found
Bad Design
You need user centered design to review your login process
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Different Background Colors for Different popups
When message pop ups or new screen overlays appear, there should be different color backgrounds.
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Data Sycn, Weave/EPM
The New Weave app should be made to warn/alert or pop-up that the sync requires updating when connection is broken between our Practice management software and Weave. The way this information was found in the Legacy App since we are a multi-location office was only by changing to the Parent Location which often is overlooked as it didn't contain priority information.
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for next appt, please show the time as well.
when patients call in to ask me when their appointment is, I can't see their schedule on the weave web. only the date shows. I need the time as well.
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FUSE operatory rooms shown instead of providers - NEW Weave app
On our PMS (FUSE) we have our schedule set up by room/operatories however when this is then synced over to Weave it only shows the providers.
Our operatories are specific to the appointment type where as the providers do multiple types of procedures.
Having only the providers viewable also is an issue because all of our current and past employees show up as a "provider" causing confusion.
This then makes the Weave schedule look messy and unorganized making it so our team isn't wanting to use the schedule to its full potential.Main point: Having the option to view as…
1 vote -
Feature to build a report of upcoming scheduled patients who's insurance is 'not verified'
Instead of clicking on every patient on the schedule individually, needs to be a feature to run a report for the day/week/month and it gives you the patients who's insurance is not verified. Saves time!
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Integration with Office Ally
Please integrate with Office Ally, at least for the contacts. We must export 8 csv files from OA, due to restriction of file size on OA side, then modify the columns appropriately to upload to Weave. It takes 1-2 hours to complete this very tedious task.
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Actionable texts in mobile app
Text are getting lost in the mobile app. Please add back actionable texts to the mobile app!
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Clear Orange Bubble From Messages
We would like to be able to clear the unreplied bubble without having to send a reply. Not all messages warrant a reply so we should be able to clear that status without having to send a reply.
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Numbering templates
I would like be able to number my templates. When you enter a number as the template title (i.e. 1. Template and then 10. Template) the numbering system places 10. right below 1. meaning the list becomes 1. template, 10. template, 2. template.
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Search tool improvements
The search tool on the desktop Weave app currently is not very accurate.
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Payments and how those are distributed to patients accounts. Some of the Weave Payments that are automatically applied to patients accounts are being distributed incorrectly and applied towards wrong dates of service. The only way we knew this was happening because billing/finance charges were being added to our patients accounts who should have not have been charged. We apply B/F charges for accounts with a past due balance 90+ days. Sometimes it is applied to account only 1 month old. We called Eaglesoft and they looked into this. Some Weave Payments are being applied to incorrect line items.
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Manual templates
Manual templates are ONLY available from the Inbox but don't show up in the SMS box. Please see screen shots. Please make them available anywhere you can send an SMS. Thank you!
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"Pin" messages in chat
It would be nice to be able to "pin" an important announcement in a chat. For example, we have an "All staff chat" and send updates on it, would be nice to not have to scroll to find it and it just stays at the top.
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More options for payment frequency
We have a few clients on government payroll that are paid on the 1st and the 15th of every month. It would be preferable to
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Viewing which team members "reacted" to a chat message
Right now, you can only view how many people reacted to your message and which emojis were used to react to the message... it would be nice to see specifically WHICH team members reacted to your message.
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Save cards used to Pay at Terminal
I want to be able to collect payment for a patient at a terminal but for the card used to be saved as well. It would save our patients and our team the hassle of having to use their card each time they make a payment.
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New Weave Experience Message Queue - match the Actionable in legacy app better
When someone confirms "C" and we auto reply, there is no way to automatically filter them out of messages in the new weave experience, Similar to the legacy app, I like a checkmark instead of archive button to mark that it's done and no longer actionable. When someone completes something on the legacy app, it would be nice if the new weave experience matched those do you only see actionable items.
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Removing the
Have a way to turn off the Collected Payment totals to team members and to allow different tiers access.
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Modify Online Booking / Scheduling
2 things:
1- Be able to modify the layout, texts, and add more personalization to the online booking page. (Such as our company logo)
2- Have an option for Spanish speaking patients to be able to book online as well.
9 votes
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