Missed Call Analytics Days of the Week Report
I am going through the call analytics and noticed that we are missing an extraordinary number of phone calls comparing each successive month this year. Each month since the beginning of the year, it appears that we are progressively missing more calls to a staggering point of about 60% missed calls to 40% answered in July. For comparison, it was the complete opposite in February with 60% answered to 40% missed. I am trying to determine when we are missing most of these calls through the reports, but it only gives me the time of day when we are missing the calls. It would be very helpful to know if we are missing these calls during business hours or when we are closed, but the report does not specify the days of the week when the calls are missed. Can we generate a report that will give us not only the time of day, but also days of the week that we are missing all of these calls? Thank you so much for your help!