Provide more data in overdue lists such as which pet overdue for what so you can better use the phone, text, and email buttons.
In an overdue list, when you click on the gray circle with the clients initials, why can't the same information come up that comes up in a client profile? Currently, only the date of the overdue service appears, but we can't call, text, or email the client if we don't know which pet and which service is overdue. We have to back out of the list (twice) and then reenter the client profile through the customer list to find out which pet is due for which service. But then there is no way to phone, text or email from that screen either. You have to back out AGAIN and contact the client. That's alot of back and forth and it would be so much easier if on the overdue list you could see what is overdue and contact the client from that screen.