Auto review texts should not send to patients that have not showed.
The previous post about this is marked completed, but my review texts are still sending to patients that are not showing up. Your support team was contacted this morning and they told me that it queues an hour before the patient's appointment so therefore if the patient is confirmed one hour before the scheduled appointment time they will get a message no matter what. We don't know the patient is not going to show up until AFTER the appointment. Queueing before the actual appointment time isn't actually functionable. It makes our office look like we don't pay attention to our patient's or care or notice they're not there. They're not another number here. Can we please get the queue time fixed to set AFTER the appointment?
ROBYN ADKINS commented
It is CRAZY that your software still sends a request for a review to a patient who failed their appointment. We have auto-ask turned on, set for 2 hours after the appointment time. Your software should be able to tell that a patient's appointment has been removed (for example, they failed to show) BEFORE the request goes out. It makes our practice look like we don't know what's going on, reflects poorly on our business. I have heard from support that those messages are set to go an hour BEFORE the patient appointment time, and once that happens, there's no stopping it. RIDICULOUS! AND, I'm even more upset that your help menu or settings page doesn't explain this limitiation. I had to chat with support to find out. It looks like you KNOW this is ****, and so you don't advertize it, you wait for us to find out.