OpenDental API and Database Integrity
Starting in version 21.4 of OpenDental, 3rd party vendors will not be allowed to write directly to OpenDental Databases.
Transition Timeline:
We need to give you time to transition to the API. Here's a rough idea of how that transition will work. Version 21.4 will be released approx 12/2021. Users will start to see small notifications in various screens indicating data being changed by third parties. The warnings should not be scary and there will be lots of explanation so that they won't be concerned and they won't call anyone. Every three to four months, as new versions are released, users will see more notifications in more places. They might eventually start to see some popups as well, but not too soon. So it will be a gradual process that should give you plenty of time.
What to do?
Contact immediately and request a developer API key.
Include the following information in your email:
Developer name:
Company name:
Email address:
A list of the API Resources you need access to, the level of access such as read/write/update:
A description of the application you are intending to build (type and purpose):
OpenDental has a fully documented api ( that allows customers to easily enter an API key into their PMS to enable safe integrations with 3rd party vendors (
Below is an example list of API resources for basic coverage of the existing integration. You will need to adjust your request for more coverage for things like insurance verification and eForms.
Recommended API request for day 1 coverage:
Appointments GET (single)
Appointments GET (multiple)
Appointments GET ASAP
Appointments GET SlotsWebSched
Appointments GET Slots
Appointments GET WebSched
Appointments POST (create)
Appointments PUT Break
Appointments PUT Confirm
ApptFields GET - useful for your custom field defs
ApptFields PUT - useful for your custom field defs
Commlogs GET
Commlogs POST (create)
Operatories GET
Patients GET (single)
Patients GET (multiple)
Patients GET Simple
Patients POST (create)
Patients PUT (update)
Payments POST (create)
Queries POST - Runs a custom query against the database. Queries are screened to be read-only. This could be useful for analytics and reports
Recalls PUT Status
Disclaimer: I am not a developer affiliated with OpenDental. I am a customer of both products and support medical practices.
Thank you for submitting your feedback!
We have seen your feedback, and have taken it into consideration. If we have any additional questions, concerns, or updates; those that are responsible for your particular request will contact you.
Again, thank you for taking the time to help us make our products better.
If you need help with any issues immediately, I would recommend reaching out to our support team at:
Thank you, and we look forward to working with you in the future.
-Your Friends at Weave.