Vet recall improvements
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recall reminders
What pain points/suggestions does the office have?
Vet office states that frequently owners of multiple animals will bring them all in on the same day for wellness visits and vaccines and has two pain points for the recall reminders going out to these customers.
1. As the message is going on on the same day, only one patient is being notified of vaccines due.
2. If multiple vaccines are due on the same visit, weave communication only pulls one vaccine option to be included in the recall reminder.
Customer states that this is frustrating for staff and their clients as expectations are not being set clearly and are having to take additional time negotiating schedules and the addition vaccines due and being charged for.
Quinn Wensyel commented
We have similar Issues with the Recall Reminders. A simple fix I would suggest is to make it so that you can create a "Family" version of the reminder to send for multiple pets due the same day. This shouldn't be too difficult as it already exists for the Appointment Reminders.
Dana Thompson commented
I would like to have a single recall reminder that lists all the recall types due on that day for a patient. Better would be all recall types for each patient due on that day. Even better would be all the recall types due within a set time frame (maybe 2 weeks), so they wouldn't get reminders that are weeks apart in a different recall reminder. For example: BENNY is due for a Coggins Test, Rhino Flu, EWT, West Nile, a Fecal Egg Count (FEC) and a Dental Float. The recall reminder should list all of those recall types. If BENNY's owner gets a reminder for just a Coggins or just an FEC, they might decide the appointment isn't important and wind up missing their vaccines and Float.