Add Google/Facebook Logos to Top Priority Review Button for Clarity
What department are you in?
Which Feature does this pertain to?
What area of the Feature?
The link landing page. (Where the Review options are shown, where the link goes when clicked)
What pain points/suggestions does the office have?
I have an office that is calling back on this & was unable to navigate the feedback portal and submit a request. They have issue with the top priority review service not clearly showing a logo/branding that it is through Google/Facebook.
They would like to see the Google/Facebook logo added to the "Write Recommendation/Review" button to clearly show that company logo like it does for the lower priority review options.
It took me sometime to understand exactly what they were wanting, so if they do manage to submit a request it might not be clear what they were requesting in a feedback submission. She said they logged into the feedback portal, but were unable to submit their feedback request.