Allow Chrome Autofill for Online Scheduling
After complaints from patients about the inability to schedule an appt, we realized that if you use Chrome Autofill to complete the Appt Request, Weave doesn't recognize that those fields are filled in, so patients can't submit. There is no way for us to alert patients that they must type all info and not use Autofill except to add a custom field which would put it at the bottom and patients wouldn't see it until AFTER they've already completed the form. Our workaround is we modified the First Name text to add Type do not use Autofill. If Weave can't recognize autofill info, PLEASE put an alert for Step 3 right next to Patient Info so patients are aware and don't get frustrated.
Cheryl, the auto-completion on the booking for has now been fixed. Please let us know if you're still seeing issues (the best way to reach out if you still have issues is directly to Weave support). Thank you for reporting this. Best.