Form notifications
It would be great to get a notification when a Form has been completed.
The Digital Forms team is pleased to announce the release of Submitted Form Notifications--our most requested feature.
Learn more at WeaveHelp:
We hope you enjoy using this feature. There's more to come in the next few weeks!
We are making continuous improvements to Forms and your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to give us your feedback on Form Notifications:
Thank you!
Anonymous commented
I understand this list won't disappear for 4 weeks. We will have seen hundreds of patients and have to sort through many pages patients who have already been seen; very time consuming! Is there a way to delete completed forms?
Anonymous commented
I'd like to be able to delete Wellness Screening form results from the Admin Portal after we have received and saved them.
Dr Parker POC commented
Text wellness forms individually
Lee Ann Starr commented
Wellness forms - There needs to be a way to determine if a wellness form has been downloaded. I have 2-3 people looking at those forms and no one can tell if it has been downloaded into Dentrix at a glance. Maybe a check mark by it or the ability to delete once downloaded. Thanks!
Rick Campbell commented
Please link the wellness form to eaglesoft like the confirmation is linked. Thanks
Anonymous commented
On wellness form portal have a way to check that they have been viewed or a way to delete the old surveys
Christina OM commented
can you add a date to the wellness form and a place for them to sign or initial. Thanks
Roya Mahmoodi commented
This is a great idea. I agree that getting notifications when a wellness form is submitted is very helpful.
Amanda Merren commented
In the admin portal, under the wellness form. Be able to show that one was sent to the patient but that it wasn't completed. Add a header for completed and a Y or N in there?
Amanda Merren commented
Wellness form
Rachel Rubalcaba commented
Customize the wellness form
Rick Campbell commented
Please make the wellness form able to be edited. We are pediatric and don't need the question, are you over the age of 60.
Thanks! -
Anonymous commented
Could we make the wellness form customizable?
Anonymous commented
Please add a delete button once the wellness form is downloaded and saved. Glenda
Glenda OM commented
Thank you for adding the wellness form. It would be great to have a delete option after we download and save. This would be a great feature to avoid having a long list to filter through.
Anonymous commented
Wellness Forms: The alert for "Have you experienced recent loss of taste or smell?" is BREATH.
BREATH is also the alert for shortness of breath or difficulty breathing which makes sense.
Can you change the alert for Loss of taste or smell to something different? -
Reception commented
Please add an option to delete wellness forms.
Anonymous commented
1) Please add questions to the wellness forms to include: "have you been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting results" also, "have you tested positive for COVID-19?" This is critical for providers to know.
2) Please add filter options for the completed wellness form to include a read/unread section and/or a "remove" button. It would be helpful to have more opts to filter these screens. Thank you! -
Suzy commented
Similar to Wellness Prescreening Form I think it is critical to also have a Covid-19 Patient Consent Form where the patient prior to entering the doors of the dental office has to acknowledge the following statement “You are receiving dental care during the events of a COVID-19 National Emergency. Please be advised that there may be risks in being in the proximity of dentists, patients and staff. We are taking precautions to limit the spread of disease, yet there is still a possibility of transmission.”
Anonymous commented
Hi ,
Can you add onto the wellness form
1. Temperature
2. Date