Form notifications
It would be great to get a notification when a Form has been completed.
The Digital Forms team is pleased to announce the release of Submitted Form Notifications--our most requested feature.
Learn more at WeaveHelp:
We hope you enjoy using this feature. There's more to come in the next few weeks!
We are making continuous improvements to Forms and your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to give us your feedback on Form Notifications:
Thank you!
Marcia Geary commented
The CDC updated its mask and COVID guidelines May 11 2021. Can you please update the WELLNESS COVID form to reflect these changes? For example, it should ask if people have been vaccinated prior to entering the office. And travel guidelines have changed. Thank you
Marcia Geary commented
With the new CDC guidelines of May 12, can you please update the Wellness COVID form? For example, it should ask about the patient having been vaccinated? Also, travel guidelines have changed. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Please update the COVID screening forms to be more up-to date. for example, we could ask if someone was fully vaccinated, etc.
I know that this is a changing target... but if Weave is the one maintaining this form for all... Weave needs to keep it up to date.
Bonnie Chen commented
This would be a great option !!
Bonnie Chen commented
Alerts when patients complete the Wellness form
Paul Phillips commented
We are wondering if the Covid Wellness Screening form can be updated to include a question about being vaccinated? Maybe update the questions in general?
Bonnie Chen commented
Wellness form-need the option to download the form into a different format other than a png.
Kyle wilton commented
Can you add the question, "Have you been fully vaccinated?" to the Wellness Form we send out to patients before visiting our office? And potentially explain section or comments section at the bottom to expound upon answers marked 'yes'.
Faye Levin commented
We have appreciated the Wellness Form and have used it successfully with patients during COVID. It does need an update however, and as is, is not great PR for our office or for WEAVE. It should ask :
1. Have you been fully vaccinated against COVID and has it been two weeks since your second dose of the Moderna/Pfizer vaccine or single dose of the J&J vaccine.
If yes, the patient could skip to question 4.
2. Have you or has anyone in your household had any of the following symptoms ... in the last 14 days?
3. Have you or has anyone in your household been tested for COVID in the last 14 days and waiting for results?
4. Have you or anyone in your household tested positive for COVID in the last 14 days.
5. Do you or does anyone in your household currently have any of the following symptoms?Thanks!
Faye Levin -
Sonia POC commented
Hi, we have had several patients ask if we can add a line to the Wellness Form where the patient can note that they have been vaccinated for Covid-19. Thank you.
We've had suggestions from patients receiving the wellness forms that there should be a question asking: "Have you received any of the current Covid-19 vaccinations?" Didn't know if forms could be updated? Thank you.
Kelly Enns commented
Option to remove or add questions to wellness form.
Anonymous commented
On the wellness form can we add one for asking if patient has finished taken all their covid vaccine, yes or no with full treatment and when?
kathy commented
Would like to add a question to the Wellness form that asks if you had a Covid test in the last 14 days?
Amy commented
It would be great if we could have the ability to customize the Covid Wellness Form. The questions are based on CDC guidelines from almost a year ago. It's work so well, so thank you very much! We just want to take out and also edit a few of the questions. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Please consider adding a line on the Wellness form to ask if the patient has had their COVID vaccine. A patient actually asked this and I thought it was a great idea as well
James commented
We would like the wellness forms to be auto populated to the patients files within Dentrix.
Hi there good afternoon this is Studio 2020 we were just wondering if in the near future you could edit or add to the COVID-19 wellness for a vaccine question wheter the patient has been vaccinated or not. thank you so much
Anonymous commented
It would be great if the wellness forms could be edited and revised. At this point, we'd like to be able to revise the questions being asked on the wellness form as the CDC guidelines have changed. This form should be able to be customized to fit each office's needs.
Melissa Lin commented
update to wellness questionnaire - need to have a question to ask if patient has been tested positive for COVID . The current format does not flag any patient that was positive more than 14 days ago.