Bulk messaging
Send mass text messages to more than 1 patient.
This is now live for all customers!! Learn more here: https://www.weavehelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/13900266969627
Matt Schultz
Weave Product Management
Kylee reuble commented
we need a way to send out mass recall messaging. I am currently manually sending messages to 12000 over due patients. :)
brian fuller commented
It would be great if you could keep track of how many texts each employee sends.
I would also love to be able to send texts in bulk.
margaret commented
It would be awesome for our practice if we could select the patients and send a mass recall text from the Overdue Patients view instead of having to create a quick fill list and send them that way, or having to send the recall texts patient by patient.
Anonymous commented
Hello, There needs to be a way to send a mass text message to patients. One example is if our phone lines become disconnected or if we have a weather situation and want to send a text to our patients. It would be the easiest form of notifying our patients of whats going on. Revenue Well allowed this and miss that feature. - Lisa
Scott commented
I am at a loss tonight as I really need a way to send a mass text message out to all of my patients. Ideally I'd be able to select a date range and send the text to all of those people. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to be able to mass-text patients. Especially patients who are overdue for exams. To send out a text blast to everyone who is 1-2 or 2-3 years overdue for their exam would be very valuable.
Anonymous commented
Mass text messages to patients rather emails. People to read emails.
Anonymous commented
Please make MASS TEXT available. we are planning to terminate solution reach but there are features like this that you do not have which is inconvenient for us as an office to pay 2 provider for almost the same thing. With Covid 19, there are policy updates etc that is required to be sent to all patient. if you can put that as part of the feature, that would really be helpful. thank you.
Anonymous commented
We would love if we can have the mass email feature but as a text message. Being able to reach all our patients via text at once would be great!
Anonymous commented
Create a way to send out a mass text (but the receiver doesnt see the other people's numbers)
Anonymous commented
A Mass Text Option, when appointments become available in the schedule. This would help us offer the appointment time to past due patients, and help us fill our schedule more efficiently. Thank you. Lighthouse Has a similar feature.
Anonymous commented
A bulk texting option would be great to send to our patients. We use the e-mail marketing option but would be able to reach more patients with texts.
Anonymous commented
We need a way to send a mass text/email easily to our past due patients. The "LIST" option does not accommodate for this purpose. I realize I can use campaigns but that is email only, miss texted people. A copy/paste from the overdue list would be helpful for "LIST". We want to cancel subscription with SolutionReach and this is a money maker feature that Weave currently does not provide
Anonymous commented
Our office is waiting for mass-texting to be available. Being able to text many patients at once would be extremely beneficial to our practice!
Anonymous commented
We would love if we could send a mass text to all the patients showing on the past due recall list that WEAVE has generated. We can currently add these patients individually to the quickfill list and text them one at a time but it would be such a help if we could send on text when we want to fill the schedule.
Jeffery Wong commented
The marketing campaign option is a start, but doesn't allow you to see who the mass email is going to and don't feel comfortable sending a blind mass email. Need option to view, sort, filter prior to sending out mass email.
Aubrey commented
Mass email campaign filters--PLEASE add one that is active vs. inactive patient status.
Tais Booms commented
Having this ability is key. Just like Mass emails, even if we have to export a .csv file and do it on the weave website, we really need this. ASAP
Anonymous commented
An option to dis-select patients you do not want mass texts going to on the schedule.
Carol Alvarado commented
Please find a way to send mass text message.thanks