Ability to attach and receive attachments in text messages (MMS)
LG commented
Need ability to change status of received messages from read to unread from cell phone app.
Anonymous commented
Post pictures on weave
Anonymous commented
Please add the ability to send photos via text on Weave. Many of our patient's send photos to our office of broken teeth, etc and we cannot get them.
Anonymous commented
Let us see photos patients text to our number! SolutionReach had that ability. That's the one feature I sorely miss from SR. Patients want to text us images of their teeth and cannot!
Anonymous commented
It would be great to be able to receive pictures or videos from our patients. Sometimes they need to send us pictures of their insurance card or brackets (we're an orthodontic office). It's to much of a hassle for our patients to look for a different way to text us images.
Philip commented
Post pictures on weave
Anonymous commented
it would be great if you could send images through messages. We had Podium before and patients were able to send us pics of their insurance cards etc.
Anonymous commented
Having the ability to attached documents to text messages. For example, like a patients estimate, the ability for them to send a picture of their insurance card, etc...
Anonymous commented
Fully integrate with crystal PM, please please please! :)
Jennifer Deets commented
Please! This would be awesome. Had this with solution reach and really miss it.
Emery commented
Hello, Can you get your IT ppl to be able to email us the full text messages in it’s entirety stamp dated and format?
Also Can you get your IT ppl to be able to text photos and attachments via text message and email
Most ppl dont use emails nowadays, but text messages especially when they are on the go. The pts would like to text the INS cards and other photos they want us to see
Then we would like to email these text messages to our email for our record
Hopefully Your IT ppl can figure out how to do the above
Thank you
Emery -
Richard Gochman commented
Please work on full functionality of text messages. I have had several patient try to attach an image or document to their tx message, and it is not retreivable. Is there any way to make this work? Patients are unaware of this limitation
Anonymous commented
This would be so helpful
Emery commented
We would like to send photo attachments and patients would like to send us attachment photo of teeth, cards, etc and they are not able to do so. Could you add this feature? ASAP :-) Thank You
Jim Davies commented
We would like to be able to send and receive pictures through Weave. Can you add that feature in? Thanks
Anonymous commented
We are wondering if you can help me with this. We are sending out text messages to patients after Oral Surgery appts with a post op video attached. Currently when we attach the link it only shows the link for them to click on. We are hoping it can be sent with the video directly attached so they just have to click on the image to play?
Anonymous commented
Need to be able to receive pictures through text. With Solution Reach you can. Not sure why it's not available with Weave. It's an extremely valuable convenient feature, for the office and for patients. There is a post that says this feature will be ready by the end of Q1 and we're now at the end of the first month of Q2.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if we could receive pictures on here.
Anna commented
I would like for patients to text me pictures their ins cards for verification before they arrive at our office.
Anonymous commented
Being able to receive photo Text would be nice. We would like patients to be able to send us picture text of there insurance cards.